@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir。2870,作者=“Zhang, Ni和Campo, Shelly和Janz, Kathleen F和Eckler, Petya和Yang, Jingzhen和Snetselaar, Linda G和Signorini, Alessio”,标题=“关于美国体育活动的Twitter上的电子口口传播:探索性信息流行病学研究”,期刊=“J医学互联网研究”,年=“2013”,月=“11”,日=“20”,量=“15”,数=“11”,页=“e261”,关键词=“Twitter消息;社会营销;背景:Twitter是一种广泛使用的社交媒体。但其在促进健康行为方面的应用研究尚不充分。目的:为了为设计健康营销干预措施以促进Twitter上的身体活动提供见解,这项探索性的信息流行病学研究应用了社会认知理论和在线口碑传播路径模型,以研究美国关于身体活动的个人推文中不同电子口碑传播(eom)特征的分布。方法:这项研究使用113个关键词检索了2011年1月1日至3月31日之间发布的100万条关于美国体育活动的公开推文。总共随机选择了30,000条推文,并根据随机数生成器生成的数字进行排序。两名编码人员扫描了前16100条推文,得到了4672条(29.02 %)他们都同意是关于身体活动的推文,并且来自个人账户。最后,从4672条tweets(32.11{\%})中随机抽取1500条进行进一步编码。 After intercoder reliability scores reached satisfactory levels in the pilot coding (100 tweets separate from the final 1500 tweets), 2 coders coded 750 tweets each. Descriptive analyses, Mann-Whitney U tests, and Fisher exact tests were performed. Results: Tweets about physical activity were dominated by neutral sentiments (1270/1500, 84.67{\%}). Providing opinions or information regarding physical activity (1464/1500, 97.60{\%}) and chatting about physical activity (1354/1500, 90.27{\%}) were found to be popular on Twitter. Approximately 60{\%} (905/1500, 60.33{\%}) of the tweets demonstrated users' past or current participation in physical activity or intentions to participate in physical activity. However, social support about physical activity was provided in less than 10{\%} of the tweets (135/1500, 9.00{\%}). Users with fewer people following their tweets (followers) (P=.02) and with fewer accounts that they followed (followings) (P=.04) were more likely to talk positively about physical activity on Twitter. People with more followers were more likely to post neutral tweets about physical activity (P=.04). People with more followings were more likely to forward tweets (P=.04). People with larger differences between number of followers and followings were more likely to mention companionship support for physical activity on Twitter (P=.04). Conclusions: Future health marketing interventions promoting physical activity should segment Twitter users based on their number of followers, followings, and gaps between the number of followers and followings. The innovative application of both marketing and public health theory to examine tweets about physical activity could be extended to other infodemiology or infoveillance studies on other health behaviors (eg, vaccinations). ", issn="14388871", doi="10.2196/jmir.2870", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2013/11/e261/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.2870", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24257325" }