@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir。3002,作者=“萨克雷,罗斯玛丽和尼格,布拉德L和伯顿,斯科特H和萨克雷,Callie R”,标题=“国家卫生部门推特的目的分析:信息共享,参与和行动”,期刊=“J医学互联网Res”,年=“2013”,月=“11”,日=“11”,卷=“15”,数字=“11”,页=“e255”,关键词=“社交媒体;公共卫生;背景:公共卫生机构正在积极使用社交媒体,包括Twitter。在公共卫生和非营利部门,Twitter一直仅限于单向交流。Twitter上的双向互动交流有可能增强组织与关注者之间的关系,并通过增加组织与关注者之间的沟通和对话帮助组织实现其目标。研究表明,非营利组织使用Twitter有三个主要功能:信息分享、社区建设和行动。目的:尚不清楚各州卫生部门使用Twitter主要是为了单向信息分享,还是试图吸引关注者建立关系和促进行动。这项研究的目的是发现Twitter使用在美国各州卫生部门的主要功能是什么,这与非营利组织是否相似或不同。方法:利用Twitter应用程序编程接口,获取各州卫生部门账号发布的完整“推文”列表。 We randomly sampled 10{\%} of each state health department's tweets. Four research assistants hand-coded the tweets' primary focus (organization centric or personal health information centric) and then the subcategories of information dissemination, engagement, or action. Research assistants coded each tweet for interactivity, sophistication, and redirects to another website. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 20. Results: There were 4221 tweets from 39 state health departments. There was no statistically significant difference in the number of tweets made by a state health department and the state population density (P=.25). The majority of tweets focused on personal health topics (69.37{\%}, 2928/4221) while one-third were tweets about the organization (29.14{\%} , 1230/4221). The main function of organization-based tweets was engagement through conversations to build community (65.77{\%}, 809/1236). These engagement-related tweets were primarily recognition of other organizations' events (43.6{\%}, 353/809) and giving thanks and recognition (21.4{\%}, 173/809). Nearly all of the personal health information-centric tweets involved general public health information (92.10{\%}, 1399/1519) and 79.03{\%} (3336/4221) of tweets directed followers to another link for more information. Conclusions: This is the first study to assess the purpose of public health tweets among state health departments. State health departments are using Twitter as a one-way communication tool, with tweets focused primarily on personal health. A state health department Twitter account may not be the primary health information source for individuals. Therefore, state health departments should reconsider their focus on personal health tweets and envision how they can use Twitter to develop relationships with community agencies and partners. In order to realize the potential of Twitter to establish relationships and develop connections, more two-way communication and interaction are essential. ", issn="14388871", doi="10.2196/jmir.3002", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2013/11/e255/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.3002", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24217361" }