@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir。2572,作者=“McKibbon, Kathleen Ann和Lokker, Cynthia和Keepanasseril, Arun和Wilczynski, Nancy L和Haynes, R Brian”,标题=“PubMed搜索后治疗问题正确答案的净改善:前后比较”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2013”,月=“11”,日=“08”,卷=“15”,数=“11”,页=“e243”,关键词=“信息服务”;信息存储与检索;互联网;Medline;医生;背景:临床医生在PubMed上搜索临床问题的答案,尽管这很耗时,而且并不总是成功的。目的:确定PubMed使用其临床查询功能根据研究质量过滤结果是否会提高搜索成功率(更多与治疗相关的临床问题的正确答案)。方法:我们邀请了528名初级保健医生参与,143名(27.1%)同意,111名(占总数的21.0%和77.6%)完成了研究。参与者回答了14个是/否治疗问题,并给出其中4个问题(2个最初回答正确,2个最初回答错误),通过具有相同搜索屏幕的专用系统使用PubMed主屏幕或PubMed临床查询窄治疗过滤器进行搜索。 Participants also picked 3 of the first 20 retrieved citations that best addressed each question. They were then asked to re-answer the original 14 questions. Results: We found no statistically significant differences in the rates of correct or incorrect answers using the PubMed main screen or PubMed Clinical Queries. The rate of correct answers increased from 50.0{\%} to 61.4{\%} (95{\%} CI 55.0{\%}-67.8{\%}) for the PubMed main screen searches and from 50.0{\%} to 59.1{\%} (95{\%} CI 52.6{\%}-65.6{\%}) for Clinical Queries searches. These net absolute increases of 11.4{\%} and 9.1{\%}, respectively, included previously correct answers changing to incorrect at a rate of 9.5{\%} (95{\%} CI 5.6{\%}-13.4{\%}) for PubMed main screen searches and 9.1{\%} (95{\%} CI 5.3{\%}-12.9{\%}) for Clinical Queries searches, combined with increases in the rate of being correct of 20.5{\%} (95{\%} CI 15.2{\%}-25.8{\%}) for PubMed main screen searches and 17.7{\%} (95{\%} CI 12.7{\%}-22.7{\%}) for Clinical Queries searches. Conclusions: PubMed can assist clinicians answering clinical questions with an approximately 10{\%} absolute rate of improvement in correct answers. This small increase includes more correct answers partially offset by a decrease in previously correct answers. ", issn="14388871", doi="10.2196/jmir.2572", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2013/11/e243/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.2572", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24217329" }