@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir。1953,作者=“卡梅里尼,卢卡和舒尔茨,彼得·约翰内斯”,标题=“功能性互动对患者知识、赋权和健康结果的影响:基于网络干预的实验模型驱动评估”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2012”,月=“7月”,日=“18”,卷=“14”,数=“4”,页=“e105”,关键词=“互动;健康知识;病人权利;纤维肌痛;背景:电子卫生干预措施在覆盖范围和结果方面的有效性现已得到充分证明。然而,不仅需要了解电子卫生干预措施是否有效,还需要了解什么样的功能和机制可以提高其有效性。本研究通过调查功能性互动对患者知识、赋权和健康结果所起的作用,有助于应对这些挑战。目的:测试健康知识和赋权是否在电子健康应用程序上的交互式功能的可用性与个人健康结果之间调节可能的关系。基于对互动性、健康知识、赋权和健康结果的结构的简要理论回顾,我们提出了在电子健康应用程序中实现的功能互动性效果的实证、模型驱动的评估。 We merged these constructs into a theoretical model of interactivity effects that we tested on an eHealth application for patients with fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS). Methods: This study used a pretest--posttest experimental design. We recruited 165 patients and randomly assigned them to three study groups, corresponding to different levels of functional interactivity. Eligibility to participate in the study required that patients (1) be fluent in Italian, (2) have access to the Internet, (3) report confidence in how to use a computer, and (4) have received a diagnosis of FMS from a doctor. We used structural equation modeling techniques to analyze changes between the pretest and the posttest results. Results: The main finding was that functional interactivity had no impact on empowerment dimensions, nor direct observable effects on knowledge. However, knowledge positively affected health outcomes (b = --.12, P = .02), as did the empowerment dimensions of meaning (b = --.49, P < .001) and impact (b = --.25, P < .001). Conclusion: The theoretical model was partially confirmed, but only as far as the effects of knowledge and empowerment were concerned. The differential effect of interactive functions was by far weaker than expected. The strong impact of knowledge and empowerment on health outcomes suggests that these constructs should be targeted and enhanced by eHealth applications. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.1953", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2012/4/e105/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.1953", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22810046" }