@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir。1986,作者=“Jiwa, Moyez和Millett, Stephan和Meng, Xingqiong和Hewitt, Vivien M”,标题=“图像中医疗设备的存在对观众对屏幕上个人可信度感知的影响”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2012”,月=“7”,日=“10”,卷=“14”,数=“4”,页=“e100”,关键词=“Icons”;符号学;听诊器;医生;背景:现在医生通过非面对面的方式向病人咨询是很普遍的做法,经常出现在病人面前的电脑屏幕上。此外,许多网站正在使用卫生专业人员的描述来增加其服务的可信度。值得信赖是成功的电子医疗服务的基本属性。很少有人知道哪些描绘的配件会让健康专家看起来更值得信赖。目的:估计一个人在屏幕上被评为值得信赖的几率,当在静态图像中观看时,持有或穿着特定的医疗设备。 Methods: We surveyed consecutive people attending community pharmacies to collect prescriptions in Western Australia. Respondents were presented with a series of 10 photographs, generated at random, of a man with varying numbers and combinations of medical equipment: stethoscope, reflex hammer, surgical scrubs, otoscope, and pen. They were then invited to rate the man as honest, trustworthy, honorable, moral, ethical, or genuine, or a combination of these, on the Source Credibility Scale. Results: A total of 168 of 250 people gave informed consent, for a participation rate of 67.2{\%}. There were 102 female and 66 male respondents. Of the 168 respondents, 96 (57{\%}) were born in Australia and 102 (60.7{\%}) were attending medical practices with more than one general practitioner. The mean age of respondents was 47 (SD 16) years (range 26--92 years). When only 1 item was present in an image, the stethoscope was associated with the highest odds for the person being considered honest (odds ratio [OR] 2.6, 95{\%} confidence interval [CI] 1.6--4.3), trustworthy (OR 2.3, 95{\%} CI 1.4--3.8), honorable (OR 2.7, 95{\%} CI 1.6--4.5), moral (OR 2.4 95{\%} CI 1.4--4.1), ethical (OR 2.6, 95{\%} CI 1.5--4.6), and genuine (OR 1.8, 95{\%} CI 1.0--3.1). The presence of a stethoscope increased the odds of the person being rated in a positive light in all photographs in which it was included. Conclusions: When an individual is portrayed in a static image, concurrent presentation of 3 or more items of medical equipment, and especially a stethoscope, is likely to exert a positive influence on the viewers' perceptions of the qualities of the person depicted. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.1986", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2012/4/e100/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.1986", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22782078" }