@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir。1976,作者=“ahler - schmidt, Carolyn Rose and Chesser, Amy K and Paschal, Angelia M and Hart, Traci A and Williams, Katherine S and Yaghmai, Beryl and Shah-Haque, Sapna”,标题=“家长对使用短信提醒免疫接种的意见”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2012”,月=“Jun”,日=“06”,卷=“14”,数=“3”,页数=“e83”,关键词=“医患沟通;儿童免疫接种;背景:坚持儿童免疫计划是多种因素的函数。鉴于越来越多地使用技术作为提高免疫覆盖率的一项战略,调查父母如何看待不同形式的通信,包括传统手段和短信提醒是很重要的。目的:了解目前免疫接种信息的传播形式、家长对这些传播方式的满意度、使用短信的障碍和好处以及理想的免疫接种提醒短信内容。方法:结构化访谈由两个机构审查委员会制定并批准。从当地两家儿科诊所招募了50名家长作为方便样本。该研究包括一份人口统计学问卷、成人功能性健康素养测试(S-TOFHLA)的简写形式、关于免疫提供者文本交流的好处和障碍的问题,以及免疫提醒的首选内容。内容分析对障碍,利益和首选内容的反应(所有Cohen的kappas > 0.70)。 Results: Respondents were mostly female (45/50, 90{\%}), white non-Hispanic (31/50, 62{\%}), between 20--41 years (mean = 29, SD 5), with one or two children (range 1--9). Nearly all (48/50, 96{\%}) had an S-TOFHLA score in the ``adequate'' range. All parents (50/50, 100{\%}) engaged in face-to-face contact with their child's physician at appointments, 74{\%} (37/50) had contact via telephone, and none of the parents (0/50, 0{\%}) used email or text messages. Most parents were satisfied with the face-to-face (48/50, 96{\%}) and telephone (28/50, 75{\%}) communication. Forty-nine of the 50 participants (98{\%}) were interested in receiving immunization reminders by text message, and all parents (50/50, 100{\%}) were willing to receive general appointment reminders by text message. Parents made 200 comments regarding text-message reminders. Benefits accounted for 63.5{\%} of comments (127/200). The remaining 37.5{\%} (73/200) regarded barriers; however, no barriers could be identified by 26{\%} of participants (13/50). Parents made 172 comments regarding preferred content of text-message immunization reminders. The most frequently discussed topics were date due (50/172, 29{\%}), general reminder (26/172, 26{\%}), and child's name (21/172, 12{\%}). Conclusions: Most parents were satisfied with traditional communication; however, few had experienced any alternative forms of communication regarding immunizations. Benefits of receiving text messages for immunization reminders far outweighed the barriers identified by parents. Few barriers identified were text specific. Those that were, centered on cost if parents did not have unlimited texting plans. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.1976", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2012/3/e83/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.1976", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22683920" }