@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir。1829年,作者= " Leykin,燕和阿奎莱拉,阿德里安和托雷斯,莱安德罗D和P {\ ' e} rez-Stable,击中的J和μ{\ ~ {n}} oz,里卡多·F”,标题= "解释自动化网络的随机试验的结果:一个国际戒烟研究”,《= " J地中海互联网Res”=“2012”,月= " 2月”,天= " 07”,体积= " 14”,数量= " 1”,页面= " e5”,关键词= "戒烟;烟草使用;网络干预;以证据为基础的干预;磨损;背景:吸烟是造成全球疾病负担的最大因素之一。互联网干预已被证明可以成功地降低吸烟率。然而,需要为大规模的互联网干预试验开发评估有效性的改进方法。目的:阐述一种解释大规模、全自动化、全球互联网干预试验结果的方法。 Methods: A fully automated, international, Internet-based smoking cessation randomized controlled trial was conducted in Spanish and English, with 16,430 smokers from 165 countries. The randomized controlled trial replicated a published efficacy trial in which, to reduce follow-up attrition, 1000 smokers were followed up by phone if they did not provide online follow-up data. Results: The 7-day self-reported abstinence rates ranged from 36.18{\%} (2239/6189) at 1 month to 41.34{\%} (1361/3292) at 12 months based on observed data. Given high rates of attrition in this fully automated trial, when participants unreachable at follow-up were presumed to be smoking, the abstinence rates ranged from 13.63{\%} (2239/16.430) at 1 month to 8.28{\%} (1361/16,430) at 12 months. We address the problem of interpreting results with high follow-up attrition rates and propose a solution based on a smaller study with intensive phone follow-up. Conclusions: Internet-based smoking cessation interventions can help large numbers of smokers quit. Large-scale international outcome studies can be successfully implemented using automated Internet sites. Interpretation of the studies' results can be aided by extrapolating from results obtained from subsamples that are followed up by phone or similar cohort maintenance methods. Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00721786; http://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00721786 (Archived by WebCite at http://www.webcitation.org/63mhoXYPw) ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.1829", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2012/1/e5/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.1829", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22314016" }