@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir。1997年,作者=“纽科姆,彼得A和邓恩,塔玛拉L和凯西,琳恩M和谢菲尔德,珍妮K和佩茨基,海伦和安德森-詹姆斯,苏菲和张,安妮B”,标题=“在线轻松呼吸:基于网络干预改善慢性呼吸系统疾病儿童和青少年健康的随机对照试验评价”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2012”,月=“2月”,日=“08”,卷=“14”,数=“1”,页数=“e23”,关键词=“网络干预;慢性呼吸系统疾病;心理社会健康;儿童和青少年;背景:慢性呼吸道疾病是儿童慢性疾病中最常见的一组,在社会孤立人群中比例过高。目的:开展一项随机对照试点试验,以评估“在线轻松呼吸”(BEO)的疗效,BEO是一种基于互联网的解决问题的项目,由最少的促进者参与,以改善患有慢性呼吸疾病的儿童和青少年的心理健康。方法:我们将42名年龄在10至17岁之间的社会孤立儿童和青少年(18名男性)随机分配到BEO组(最终n = 19)或等待名单对照组(最终n = 20)。总共有3名参与者(2名来自BEO, 1名来自对照组)没有完成干预。 Psychosocial well-being was operationalized through self-reported scores on depression symptoms and social problem solving. Secondary outcome measures included self-reported attitudes toward their illness and spirometry results. Paper-and-pencil questionnaires were completed at the hospital when participants attended a briefing session at baseline (time 1) and in their homes after the intervention for the BEO group or a matched 9-week time period for the wait-list group (time 2). Results: The two groups were comparable at baseline across all demographic measures (all F < 1). For the primary outcome measures, there were no significant group differences on depression (P = .17) or social problem solving (P = .61). However, following the online intervention, those in the BEO group reported significantly lower depression (P = .04), less impulsive/careless problem solving (P = .01), and an improvement in positive attitude toward their illness (P = .04) compared with baseline. The wait-list group did not show these differences. Children in the BEO group and their parents rated the online modules very favorably. Conclusions: Although there were no significant group differences on primary outcome measures, our pilot data provide tentative support for the feasibility (acceptability and user satisfaction) and initial efficacy of an Internet-based intervention for improving well-being in children and adolescents with a chronic respiratory condition. Trial registration: Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry number: ACTRN12610000214033; http://www.anzctr.org.au/trial{\_}view.aspx?ID=308074 (Archived by WebCite at http://www.webcitation.org/63BL55mXH) ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.1997", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2012/1/e23/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.1997", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22356732" }