@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir。1903年,作者=“de Heras Ciechomski, Pablo和Constantinescu, Mihai和Garcia, Jaime和Olariu, Radu和Dindoyal, Irving和Le Huu, Serge和Reyes, Mauricio”,标题=“基于2D图片3D图像重建的web隆胸手术3D咨询工具的开发与实现”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2012”,月=“Feb”,日=“03”,卷=“14”,数=“1”,页=“e21”,关键词=“医学信息学计算;计算机辅助手术;背景:为整形外科医生和患者制作一个丰富的、个性化的基于网络的咨询工具是一项挑战。目的:(1)开发一种计算机工具,允许从普通乳房数字照片中对三维软组织进行个体重建和模拟;(2)为整形外科医生实现一个基于网络的、全球可访问的术前手术计划平台;(3)通过比较患者的三维激光扫描和使用该工具从同一患者的原始二维(2D)照片中进行三维重建,通过质量控制分析来验证该工具。方法:提出的系统使用成熟的2D数字照片重建成3D躯干,然后可供用户进行交互式规划。仿真是在专用服务器上进行的,可以通过Internet访问。它允许外科医生和患者一起,在决定手术之前的咨询期间直接预见拟议的隆胸手术的影响。我们回顾性地对接受隆胸手术的患者可获得的匿名术前和术后2D数字照片进行了质量控制评估。该方法用于从二维数字图像重建三维图像。 We used a laser scanner capable of generating a highly accurate surface model of the patient's anatomy to acquire ground truth data. The quality of the computed 3D reconstructions was compared with the ground truth data used to perform both qualitative and quantitative evaluations. Results: We evaluated the system on 11 clinical cases for surface reconstructions and 4 clinical cases of postoperative simulations, using laser surface scan technologies showing a mean reconstruction error between 2 and 4 mm and a maximum outlier error of 16 mm. Qualitative and quantitative analyses from plastic surgeons demonstrate the potential of these new emerging technologies. Conclusions: We tested our tool for 3D, Web-based, patient-specific consultation in the clinical scenario of breast augmentation. This example shows that the current state of development allows for creation of responsive and effective Web-based, 3D medical tools, even with highly complex and time-consuming computation, by off-loading them to a dedicated high-performance data center. The efficient combination of advanced technologies, based on analysis and understanding of human anatomy and physiology, will allow the development of further Web-based reconstruction and predictive interfaces at different scales of the human body. The consultation tool presented herein exemplifies the potential of combining advancements in the core areas of computer science and biomedical engineering with the evolving areas of Web technologies. We are confident that future developments based on a multidisciplinary approach will further pave the way toward personalized Web-enabled medicine. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.1903", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2012/1/e21/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.1903", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22306688" }