@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir。1655年,作者=“Wu, Robert和Rossos, Peter和Quan, Sherman和Reeves, Scott和Lo, Vivian和Wong, Brian和张,Mark和Morra, Dante”,标题=“使用智能手机在临床医生之间沟通的评估:一项混合方法研究”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2011”,月=“8”,日=“29”,卷=“13”,数=“3”,页=“e59”,关键词=“电子邮件;手机;跨学科的交流;背景:临床医生之间的沟通对于提供高质量的患者护理至关重要,但往往受到当前系统的限制。黑莓(blackberry)等智能手机可能会改善沟通,但迄今为止对这些技术的研究还很有限。目的:我们的目标是描述智能手机在普通内科病房的临床沟通中是如何被采用的,并确定其对团队效率和沟通的影响。方法:这是一项混合方法研究,从智能手机呼叫和电子邮件信息的频率、临床医生的访谈和临床沟通互动的人种学观察中收集数据。对定性和定量数据进行了三角分析,以开发包含不同方法的全面和有代表性的见解的共同主题。结果:我们的研究结果表明,在24小时内,护士平均向医生发送22.3封电子邮件,大部分是通过“团队智能手机”发送的,“团队智能手机”是特定医疗团队的指定主要联系人。 Physicians carrying the team smartphone received on average 21.9 emails and 6.4 telephone calls while sending out 6.9 emails and initiating 8.3 telephone calls over the 24-hour period. Our analyses identified both positive and negative outcomes associated with the use of smartphones for clinical communication. There was a perceived improvement in efficiency over the use of pagers for clinical communication for physicians, nurses, and allied health professionals. In particular, residents found that the use of smartphones helped to increase their mobility and multitasking abilities. Negative outcomes included frequent interruptions and discordance between what doctors and nurses considered urgent. Nurses perceived a worsening of the interprofessional relationships due to overreliance on messaging by text with a resulting decrease in verbal communication. Unprofessional behaviors were observed in the use of smartphones by residents. Conclusions: Routine adoption of smartphones by residents appeared to improve efficiency over the use of pagers for physicians, nurses, and allied health professionals. This was balanced by negative communication issues of increased interruptions, a gap in perceived urgency, weakened interprofessional relationships, and unprofessional behavior. Further communication interventions are required that balance efficiency and interruptions while maintaining or even improving interprofessional relationships and professionalism. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.1655", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2011/3/e59/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.1655", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21875849" }