@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir。1394,作者=“van der Zanden, Rianne AP and Speetjens, Paula AM and Arntz, Karlijn SE and Onrust, Simone A”,标题=“精神疾病父母在线小组课程:发展和试点研究”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2010”,月=“12”,日=“19”,卷=“12”,数=“5”,页=“e50”,关键词=“育儿支持;健康促进;有精神疾病的父母;在线课程组;背景:父母有精神疾病(COPMI)的孩子本身发展成精神障碍的风险更大。由于不良的育儿技能似乎是一个关键因素,我们开发了一个名为KopOpOuders(父母,Chin Up, Parents)的8节预防小组课程,通过互联网向有精神问题的荷兰父母提供。目的是通过父母加强儿童的保护因素,促进儿童的福祉。为了让处于育儿困难早期阶段的父母接触到这门课程,该课程很容易在网上获得。课程在一个安全的聊天室中进行,参与是匿名的。 Objective: This paper reports on (1) the design and method of this online group course and (2) the results of a pilot study that assessed parenting skills, parental sense of competence, child well-being, and course satisfaction. Method: The pilot study had a pre/post design. Parenting skills were assessed using Laxness and Overreactivity subscales of the Parenting Scale (PS). Sense of parenting competence was measured with the Ouderlijke Opvattingen over Opvoeding (OOO) questionnaire, a Dutch scale assessing parental perceptions of parenting using the Feelings of Incompetence and Feelings of Competence subscales. Child well-being was assessed with the total problem score, Emotional Problems, and Hyperactivity subscales of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). Paired samples t tests were performed, and Cohen's d was used to determine effect sizes. Intention-to-treat analyses and analyses of completers only were both performed. Course satisfaction was evaluated using custom-designed questionnaires. Results: The sample comprised 48 parents with mental illness. The response rate was 100{\%} (48/48) at pretest and 58{\%} (28/48) at posttest. Significant improvements were found on PS Laxness and Overreactivity subscales (P < .01) and on the OOO Feelings of Incompetence and Competence subscales (P < .01) in analysis of completers only as well as by intention-to-treat analysis. Effects were moderate on the PS (d = .52 and d = .48) and were large and moderate on the OOO (d = 0.61 and d = 0.46). At pretest, 75{\%} and 64{\%} of PS scores were in the clinical range, which declined to 43{\%} and 39{\%} at posttest. No significant changes were found for child well-being. Scores for approximately two thirds of children were not in the clinical range at both pretest and posttest. The mean course satisfaction score was 7.8 on a 10-point scale. Of all participants, 20{\%} (10/48) followed all the sessions. Conclusion: This online group course on parenting skills is innovative in the field of e-support and among interventions for mentally ill parents. The pilot results are promising, showing moderate to large effects for parenting skills and parental sense of competence. Test scores at baseline indicating parenting problems were largely in the clinical range, and baseline scores indicating problems among the children were in the nonclinical range, suggesting that parents were reached at an early stage. Course satisfaction was high. Future research should focus on cost effectiveness and course adherence. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.1394", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2010/5/e50/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.1394", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21169178" }