@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir。1392,作者="Holl{\"a}ndare, Fredrik and Andersson, Gerhard and Engstr{\"o}m, Ingemar",标题="两种临床患者抑郁仪器(BDI-II和MADRS-S)的网络和纸质版本的心理测量特性比较",期刊="J Med Internet Res",年="2010",月="12月",日="19",卷="12",数="5",页数="e49",关键词="问卷调查;心理测验学;互联网;背景:自我报告措施可以指导临床决策,在评估治疗结果时很有用。然而,许多临床医生在临床实践中没有系统地使用自我报告测量。基于互联网的调查问卷可以促进管理,但在实施之前应探索工具在线版本的心理测量特性。国际测试委员会的建议是分别测试每个问卷的心理测量特性。目的:我们的目的是比较纸质版和互联网版两份测量抑郁症状的问卷的心理测量特性。方法:从瑞典公共卫生保健系统的初级保健和精神保健中招募了87名参与研究的患者。 Participants completed the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II) and the Montgomery-{\AA}sberg Depression Rating Scale---Self-rated (MADRS-S), both on paper and on the Internet. The order was randomized to control for order effects. Symptom severity in the sample ranged from mild to severe depressive symptoms. Results: Psychometric properties of the two administration formats were mostly equivalent. The internal consistency was similar for the Internet and paper versions, and significant correlations were found between the formats for both MADRS-S (r = .84) and the BDI-II (r = .89). Differences between paper and Internet total scores were not statistically significant for either questionnaire nor for the MADRS-S question dealing with suicidality (item 9) when analyzed separately. The score on the BDI-II question about suicidality (item 9) was significantly lower when administered via the Internet compared with the paper score, but the difference was small (effect size, Cohen's [d] = 0.14). There were significant main effects for order of administration on both questionnaires and significant interaction effects between format and order. This should not, however, pose a problem in clinical use as long as the administration format is not changed when repeated measurements are made. Conclusions: The MADRS-S can be transferred to online use without affecting the psychometric properties in a clinically meaningful way. The full BDI-II also seems to retain its properties when transferred; however, the item measuring suicidality in the Internet version needs further investigation since it was associated with a lower score in this study. The use of online questionnaires offers clinicians a more practical way of measuring depressive symptoms and has the potential to save resources. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.1392", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2010/5/e49/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.1392", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21169165" }