@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir。1361,作者=“Wanner, Miriam和Martin- diener, Eva和Bauer, Georg和Braun-Fahrl{\”a}nder, Charlotte和Martin, Brian W”,标题=“基于web的体育活动干预的试验参与者和开放获取用户的依从性、损耗和重复参与的比较”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2010”,月=“2”,日=“10”,卷=“12”,数=“1”,页=“e3”,关键词=“Internet;个性化干预;用户特征;背景:基于网络的干预措施在促进健康生活方式(如体育活动)方面很受欢迎。然而,很少有人知道用户特征,坚持,磨损,和预测重复参与开放获取体育活动网站。目的:本研究的重点是Active-online,一种基于web的个人量身定制的体育活动干预。目的是(1)评估和比较用户特征和对网站的依从性(a)在2003年至2009年开放获取背景下,以及(b)试验参与者和开放获取用户之间;(2)在随机对照试验中,与注册开放获取用户进行比较,分析参与者重复使用的磨损和预测因素。方法:采用在线活跃用户数据库中常规记录的数据。 Adherence was defined as: the number of pages viewed, the proportion of visits during which a tailored module was begun, the proportion of visits during which tailored feedback was received, and the time spent in the tailored modules. Adherence was analyzed according to six one-year periods (2003-2009) and according to the context (trial or open access) based on first visits and longest visits. Attrition and predictors of repeated participation were compared between trial participants and open access users. Results: The number of recorded visits per year on Active-online decreased from 42,626 in 2003-2004 to 8343 in 2008-2009 (each of six one-year time periods ran from April 23 to April 22 of the following year). The mean age of users was between 38.4 and 43.1 years in all time periods and both contexts. The proportion of women increased from 49.5{\%} in 2003-2004 to 61.3{\%} in 2008-2009 (P< .001). There were differences but no consistent time trends in adherence to Active-online. The mean age of trial participants was 43.1 years, and 74.9{\%} were women. Comparing contexts, adherence was highest for registered open access users. For open access users, adherence was similar during the first and the longest visits; for trial participants, adherence was lower during the first visits and higher during the longest visits. Of registered open access users and trial participants, 25.8{\%} and 67.3{\%} respectively visited Active-online repeatedly (P< .001). Predictors of repeated use were male sex (odds ratio [OR] = 1.2, 95{\%} confidence interval [CI] = 1.04-1.38) and increasing age category in registered open access users, and age 46-60 versus < 30 years (OR = 3.04, 95{\%} CI = 1.25-7.38) and Swiss nationality (ORnonSwiss= 0.64, 95{\%} CI = 0.41-1.00) in trial participants. Despite reminder emails, attrition was much higher in registered open access users compared with trial participants, with a median lifetime website usage of 0 days in open access users and 290 days in trial participants. Conclusions: Adherence, patterns of use, attrition, and repeated participation differed between trial participants and open access users. Reminder emails to encourage repeated participation were effective for trial participants but not for registered open access users. These issues are important when interpreting results of randomized controlled effectiveness trials. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.1361", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2010/1/e3/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.1361", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20147006" }