@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir。1248,作者=“Brigham, Janet and Lessov-Schlaggar, Christina N and Javitz, Harold S and Krasnow, Ruth E and McElroy, Mary and Swan, Gary E”,标题=“基于web的回顾性烟草暴露与风险自我报告的可信度测试-再测试”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2009”,月=“8”,日=“11”,卷=“11”,数=“3”,页=“e35”,关键词=“吸烟者;回顾性研究;背景:回顾性收集的关于影响健康的行为的发展和维持的数据是一个有价值的信息来源。建立回顾性措施的可靠性是确定该方法的效用和研究风险和保护因素背景下的行为的必要步骤。目的:本研究的目的是通过基于网络的问卷调查,检查特定影响健康的行为、烟草使用及其相关风险和保护因素的自我报告的可靠性。方法:终生烟草使用问卷(一种封闭的、仅限邀请的、密码控制的、基于web的工具)中的核心烟草使用和风险行为问题,以2个月的测试-再测试间隔对1229名18至78岁的便利样本进行测试。烟草使用项目包括香烟、雪茄、无烟烟草和烟斗烟草,包括使用频率、使用量、首次使用和包年计算。与风险相关的问题包括吸烟家族史、二手烟暴露史、饮酒史和宗教信仰史。结果:测试-再测试的信度分析显示中等(。30 - 0.49),中等(。50到0.69),或者高(。70 to 1.00) reliability across nearly all questions, with minimal reliability differences in analyses by sex, age, and income grouping. Most measures of tobacco use history showed moderate to high reliability, particularly for age of first use, age of first weekly and first daily smoking, and age at first or only quit attempt. Some measures of family tobacco use history, secondhand smoke exposure, alcohol use, and religiosity also had high test-retest reliability. Reliability was modest for subjective response to first use. Conclusions: The findings reflect the stability of retrospective recall of tobacco use and risk factor self-report responses in a Web-questionnaire context. Questions that are designed and tested with psychometric scrutiny can yield reliable results in a Web setting. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.1248", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2009/3/e35/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.1248", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19674962" }