@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir。1192,作者=“Beard, Leslie and Wilson, Kumanan and Morra, Dante and Keelan, Jennifer”,标题=“第二人生健康相关活动调查”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2009”,月=“5”,日=“22”,卷=“11”,数=“2”,页=“e17”,关键词=“用户-计算机界面;虚拟系统;虚拟世界;“第二人生”;健康教育;社会和行为研究;行为研究;健康行为;背景:越来越多的政府、医疗保健机构、公司和私人团体选择“第二人生”作为其Web 2.0传播策略的一部分。 Second Life offers unique design features for disseminating health information, training health professionals, and enabling patient education for both academic and commercial health behavior research. Objectives: This study aimed to survey and categorize the range of health-related activities on Second Life; to examine the design attributes of the most innovative and popular sites; and to assess the potential utility of Second Life for the dissemination of health information and for health behavior change. Methods: We used three separate search strategies to identify health-related sites on Second Life. The first used the application's search engine, entering both generic and select illness-specific keywords, to seek out sites. The second identified sites through a comprehensive review of print, blog, and media sources discussing health activities on Second Life. We then visited each site and used a snowball method to identify other health sites until we reached saturation (no new health sites were identified). The content, user experience, and chief purpose of each site were tabulated as well as basic site information, including user traffic data and site size. Results: We found a wide range of health-related activities on Second Life, and a diverse group of users, including organizations, groups, and individuals. For many users, Second Life activities are a part of their Web 2.0 communication strategy. The most common type of health-related site in our sample (n = 68) were those whose principle aim was patient education or to increase awareness about health issues. The second most common type of site were support sites, followed by training sites, and marketing sites. Finally, a few sites were purpose-built to conduct research in SL or to recruit participants for real-life research. Conclusions: Studies show that behaviors from virtual worlds can translate to the real world. Our survey suggests that users are engaged in a range of health-related activities in Second Life which are potentially impacting real-life behaviors. Further research evaluating the impact of health-related activities on Second Life is warranted. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.1192", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2009/2/e17/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.1192", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19632971" }