@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / jmir。1016,作者=“Balmford, James and Borland, Ron and Benda, Peter”,标题=“自动交互式个性化戒烟指导程序的使用模式”,期刊=“J Med Internet Res”,年=“2008”,月=“12”,日=“17”,卷=“10”,数=“5”,页=“e54”,关键词=“戒烟;互联网;背景:QuitCoach是澳大利亚开发的一个专门为戒烟提供建议的“专家系统”项目,自2003年7月以来已向公众开放,尽管推广有限。该程序设计用于多种场合,以“生活教练”的方式指导用户通过戒烟过程。电子邮件提醒按预定的间隔发送,以提示最佳和重复使用。目的:本研究的目的是描述QuitCoach使用者的特征,并确定吸烟者的哪些特征会随着时间的推移影响他们的参与。特别有趣的是,用户是否倾向于在复发后回归,从而使用该程序作为预防复发或恢复的工具。我们还探索了与网站返回相关的变化模式,无论是由提醒邮件提示还是完全不提示。方法:在2003年7月至2007年6月之间,28,247个人在QuitCoach上完成了初步评估,其中83.7{\%}(n = 23,656)注册。 Data were collected during a 10-minute online questionnaire that all users completed in order to obtain tailored cessation advice. This included questions concerning basic demographic information, quitting history, current smoking status and cigarette consumption, stage of change, and use of pharmacotherapy. Results: The median age of users was 34 years, and 62{\%} were female. Most (96{\%}) were current smokers. Overall, 91{\%} were planning to quit in the next 30 days, and half (49.9{\%}) had set a quit date. Those who had recently relapsed to smoking following a quit attempt made up 37{\%}. Among registered users, 27{\%} returned for a second visit, a median 9 days after their first. Overall, a third visit was completed by 11{\%} and 2{\%} returned within 2 days. Women, older smokers, those who had recently quit, and those using pharmacotherapy were more likely to return. From the second visit on, most people who completed an assessment had quit. Likelihood of responding to a prompt to return was largely unrelated to user characteristics or cessation outcome. Conclusions: Internet-based programs have considerable potential to reach large numbers of smokers at low cost. The QuitCoach is attracting considerable use, with most using it to make a quit attempt and, for those who continue to use the QuitCoach, to help them stay quit. Nonetheless, most users only visited the site once, suggesting improved strategies are needed for encouraging repeated use. ", issn="1438-8871", doi="10.2196/jmir.1016", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2008/5/e54/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/jmir.1016", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19097975" }