@文章{info:doi/ 10.2199 /33489,作者="Shah, Nirali和Costello, Kerry和Mehta, Akshat和Kumar, Deepak",标题="数字健康技术在膝骨关节炎中的应用:叙事回顾",期刊="JMIR Rehabil辅助技术",年="2022",月="月",日="8",卷="9",数="2",页="e33489",关键词="数字健康;膝骨关节炎;膝关节置换;移动健康;远程医疗;背景:随着老年人越来越多地采用高速互联网和移动技术,数字健康是一种有前途的方式,以加强膝骨关节炎(KOA)患者的临床护理,包括那些膝关节置换术(KR)。目的:本研究旨在总结数字健康在KOA和KR干预提供中的当前使用情况、成本效益以及患者和临床医生的观点。方法:在这篇叙事综述中,在PubMed和Embase数据库中使用2018年10月至2021年2月期间的搜索词,如移动健康、智能手机、移动应用程序、移动技术、电子健康、短信、互联网、膝骨关节炎、全膝关节置换术和膝关节置换术。搜索范围仅限于过去10年内以英文发表的原创文章。共纳入91项研究。结果:数字卫生技术,如网站、移动应用程序、电话、短信短信、社交媒体、视频会议和定制多技术系统已被用于向KOA和KR人群提供干预措施。 Overall, there was significant heterogeneity in the types and applications of digital health used in these populations. Digital patient education improved disease-related knowledge, especially when used as an adjunct to traditional methods of patient education for both KOA and KR. Digital health that incorporated person-specific motivational messages, biofeedback, or patient monitoring was more successful at improving physical activity than self-directed digital interventions for both KOA and KR. Many digital exercise interventions were found to be as effective as in-person physical therapy for people with KOA. Many digital exercise interventions for KR incorporated both in-person and web-based treatments (blended format), communication with clinicians, and multi-technology systems and were successful in improving knee range of motion and self-reported symptoms and reducing the length of hospital stays. All digital interventions that incorporated cognitive behavioral therapy or similar psychological interventions showed significant improvements in knee pain, function, and psychological health when compared with no treatment or traditional treatments for both KOA and KR. Although limited in number, studies have indicated that digital health may be cost-effective for these populations, especially when travel costs are considered. Finally, although patients with KOA and KR and clinicians had positive views on digital health, concerns related to privacy and security and concerns related to logistics and training were raised by patients and clinicians, respectively. Conclusions: For people with KOA and KR, many studies found digital health to be as effective as traditional treatments for patient education, physical activity, and exercise interventions. All digital interventions that incorporated cognitive behavioral therapy or similar psychological treatments were reported to result in significant improvements in patients with KOA and KR when compared with no treatment or traditional treatments. Overall, technologies that were blended and incorporated communication with clinicians, as well as biofeedback or patient monitoring, showed favorable outcomes. ", issn="2369-2529", doi="10.2196/33489", url="https://rehab.www.mybigtv.com/2022/2/e33489", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/33489", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35675102" }