艾滋病预防和护理服务识别和接触从事性交易的年轻妇女的策略:卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析在津巴布韦两个城市实施“梦想”服务的经验%A查巴塔、Sungai %A Makandwa、Rumbidzo %A Hensen、Bernadette %A Mushati、菲利斯%A Chiyaka、Tarisai %A Musemburi、Sithembile %A Busza、Joanna %A Floyd、Sian %A Birdthistle、Isolde %A Hargreaves、James R %A Cowan、Frances M %+性健康和艾滋病毒/艾滋病研究中心,津巴布韦哈拉雷贝尔格莱维亚巴斯路4号,263 773577686;sungaichabata@gmail.com %K受访者驱动的抽样%K同伴外展%K女性性工作者%K出售性服务的年轻妇女%K艾滋病毒预防%K津巴布韦%K撒哈拉以南非洲%D公共卫生监测%G英文%X背景:出售性服务的年轻妇女获得的艾滋病毒预防和护理服务不足。“有决心、有韧性、有能力、无艾滋病、有指导和安全(DREAMS)伙伴关系”旨在降低撒哈拉以南非洲10个国家少女和年轻妇女等弱势群体感染艾滋病毒的风险。我们描述了两种方法,受访者驱动抽样(RDS)和同伴外拓展,用于参考津巴布韦的青年妇女服务,并比较了每一种方法参考这些服务的青年妇女的特征和参与。我们假设RDS可以识别出艾滋病毒风险较高的YWSS和那些参与艾滋病毒预防和护理服务的人数少于同伴外展的人。目的:我们的目的是比较受访者驱动的抽样和同伴外展在招募和转介高危人群艾滋病毒预防和护理服务。方法:我们分别于2017年4月至7月和2017年1月至2018年7月在津巴布韦的两个城市使用RDS(一种旨在覆盖关键人群网络代表性样本的抽样方法)和同伴外展(一种程序化方法)来识别、覆盖和推荐YWSS进行DREAMS。对于RDS,我们进行了详细的测绘,了解性工作类型和地理,然后有目的地在每个城市选择10个“种子”参与者启动RDS。在同伴外展方面,我们通过针对青年的社区动员,通过18名训练有素且年龄匹配的同伴教育者开始招募。 We described the characteristics and service engagement of YWSS who accessed DREAMS services by each referral approach and assessed the association of these characteristics with referral approach using the chi-square test. Analysis was performed with and without restricting the period when RDS took place. We estimated the relative incremental costs of recruiting YWSS using each strategy for referral to DREAMS services. Results: Overall, 5386 and 1204 YWSS were referred for DREAMS services through peer outreach and RDS, respectively. YWSS referred through RDS were more likely to access DREAMS services compared to YWSS referred through peer outreach (501/1204, 41.6% vs 930/5386, 17.3%; P<.001). Regardless of referral approach, YWSS who accessed DREAMS had similar education levels, and a similar proportion tested HIV negative and reported not using a condom at the last sex act. A higher proportion of YWSS accessing DREAMS through RDS were aged 18-19 years (167/501, 33.3% vs 243/930, 26.1%; P=.004) and more likely to be aware of their HIV status (395/501, 78.8% vs 396/930, 42.6%; P<.001) compared to those accessing DREAMS services through peer outreach. The incremental cost per young woman who sells sex recruited was US $7.46 for peer outreach and US $52.81 for RDS. Conclusions: Peer outreach and RDS approaches can reach and refer high-risk but different groups of YWSS for HIV services, and using both approaches will likely improve reach. International Registered Report Identifier (IRRID): RR2-DOI 10.1186/s12889-018-5085-6 %M 35896024 %R 10.2196/32286 %U https://publichealth.www.mybigtv.com/2022/7/e32286 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/32286 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35896024