阿片类药物过量患者生活在远离治疗的地方;卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析纽约州服务不足人口的地理空间分析[A Abell-Hart,Kayley %A Rashidian,Sina %A Teng,Dejun %A Rosenthal,Richard N %A Wang, fussheng] +石溪大学生物医学信息系,2313D计算机科学,纽约州石溪,11794,美国,1 631 632 2594,fusheng.wang@stonybrook.edu %K阿片类药物使用障碍%K阿片类药物过量%K丁丙诺啡%K纳洛酮%K地理空间分析%K流行病学%K阿片类药物大流行%K公共卫生%D 2022 %7 12.4.2022 %9 JMIR公共卫生监测背景:阿片类药物成瘾和过量在纽约州(NYS)具有很大的疾病负担和死亡率。药物纳洛酮可以逆转药物过量,丁丙诺啡可以治疗阿片类药物使用障碍。努力增加这两种药物的可及性,包括纳洛酮的长期订单和在许可药物治疗计划之外开具丁丙诺啡的豁免计划。然而,纽约州只有微弱多数的药店被列为参与纳洛酮的常设订单,纽约州不到7%的处方者有丁丙诺啡豁免。因此,有很大的机会增加访问。目的:确定纽约州离资源最远的地理区域,有助于有针对性地采取干预措施,改善纳洛酮和丁丙诺啡的可及性。为了最大限度地提高这些努力的效率,我们还试图确定这些服务不足的地区与经历过阿片类药物过量的实际患者人数最多的地方重叠。方法:采用地址数据对纳洛酮药店和丁丙诺啡处方者的空间分布进行评价。 Using the home addresses of patients who had an opioid overdose, we identified geographic locations of resource deficits. We report findings at the high spatial granularity of census tracts, with some neighboring census tracts merged to preserve privacy. Results: We identified several hot spots, where many patients live far from the nearest resource of each type. The highest density of patients in areas far from naloxone pharmacies was found in eastern Broome county. For areas far from buprenorphine prescribers, we identified subregions of Oswego county and Wayne county as having a high number of potentially underserved patients. Conclusions: Although NYS is home to thousands of naloxone pharmacies and potential buprenorphine prescribers, access is not uniform. Spatial analysis revealed census tract areas that are far from resources, yet contain the residences of many patients who have experienced opioid overdose. Our findings have implications for public health decision support in NYS. Our methods for privacy can also be applied to other spatial supply-demand problems involving sensitive data. %M 35412467 %R 10.2196/32133 %U https://publichealth.www.mybigtv.com/2022/4/e32133 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/32133 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35412467