伊朗北部高优先入境点入侵伊蚊种类的昆虫学监测:卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析a Nikookar,Seyed Hassan, a Maleki,Alireza, a Fazeli-Dinan,Mahmoud, a Shabani Kordshouli,Razieh, a Enayati,Ahmadali +医学昆虫学和病媒控制系,公共卫生学院和健康科学研究中心,萨里,Khazar Abad路(17公里),邮号:48175-1553,伊朗,邮号:98 9111522209,aenayati1372@gmail.com %K蚊子监测%K伊蚊%K生物多样性%K桂兰%K伊朗北部%D 2022 %7 31.10.2022 %9原始论文%J JMIR公共卫生监测%G英文%X背景:登革热、寨卡病毒和基孔肯雅热等虫媒病毒疾病由埃及伊蚊和白纹伊蚊传播,是全球新出现的公共卫生问题。目的:本研究旨在提供特定地区入侵伊蚊发生情况的最新数据,以便及时规划和实施控制策略。方法:2018年5月至2019年12月,在伊朗北部桂兰省的优先入口点,使用诱卵器、幼虫收集和人饵陷阱,每月计划并进行昆虫监测。测量物种丰富度(R)、Simpson指数(D)、均匀度(E)和Shannon-Wiener指数(H̕),以更好地了解伊蚊的物种多样性。采用Spearman相关系数和回归模型进行数据分析。结果:2018年5月至2019年12月共采集蚊虫标本3964只,其中伊蚊属占17.20%(682/3964),隶属3属13种。刺扰Ae和弯喉Ae的活跃度和数量在10月达到高峰(226/564,40.07%和26/103,25.2%),为最优种(D=75.7%;D=21.2%)分别为常数分布(C=100)和频繁分布(C=66.7%)。 The population of Ae vexans had a significant positive correlation with precipitation (r=0.521; P=.009) and relative humidity (r=0.510; P=.01), whereas it was inversely associated with temperature (r=−0.432; P=.04). The Shannon-Wiener Index was up to 0.84 and 1.04 in the city of Rasht and in July, respectively. The rarefaction curve showed sufficiency in sampling efforts by reaching the asymptotic line at all spatial and temporal scales, except in Rasht and in October. Conclusions: Although no specimens of the Ae aegypti and Ae albopictus species were collected, this surveillance provides a better understanding of the native Aedes species in the northern regions of Iran. These data will assist the health system in future arbovirus research, and in the implementation of effective vector control and prevention strategies, should Ae aegypti and Ae albopictus be found in the province. %M 363152 %R 10.2196/38647 %U https://publichealth.www.mybigtv.com/2022/10/e38647 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/38647 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/363152