新冠病毒疫苗在社交媒体上的犹豫:卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析建立反疫苗内容,疫苗错误信息和阴谋的公共Twitter数据集% a Muric,Goran % a Wu,Yusong % a Ferrara,Emilio %+南加州大学信息科学研究所,海军部路4676号,1001套房,加利福尼亚州玛丽娜德尔雷伊,90292,美国,1 213 740 2467,gmuric@isi.edu %K疫苗犹豫%K COVID-19疫苗%K数据集%K COVID-19 %K SARS-CoV-2 %K社交媒体%K网络分析%K犹豫%K疫苗%K Twitter %K错误信息%K阴谋%K信任%K公共卫生%K利用%D 2021 %7 17.11.2021 %9背景:关于COVID-19疫苗的虚假声明会破坏公众对正在进行的疫苗接种运动的信任,对全球公共卫生构成威胁。自新冠肺炎大流行开始以来,各种来源的错误信息一直在网络上传播。反疫苗活动人士也开始利用Twitter等平台宣传他们的观点。要通过社交媒体的视角正确理解疫苗犹豫现象,收集相关数据至关重要。目的:在本文中,我们描述了一组Twitter帖子和Twitter账户的数据,这些帖子和账户公开表现出强烈的抗疫苗立场。该数据集通过我们的AvaxTweets数据集GitHub存储库提供给研究社区。我们根据突出的标签、共享的新闻来源以及最有可能的政治倾向来描述收集到的账户。方法:我们于2020年10月18日开始持续收集数据,利用Twitter流应用程序编程接口(API)跟踪一组特定的抗疫苗相关关键词。 Then, we collected the historical tweets of the set of accounts that engaged in spreading antivaccination narratives between October 2020 and December 2020, leveraging the Academic Track Twitter API. The political leaning of the accounts was estimated by measuring the political bias of the media outlets they shared. Results: We gathered two curated Twitter data collections and made them publicly available: (1) a streaming keyword–centered data collection with more than 1.8 million tweets, and (2) a historical account–level data collection with more than 135 million tweets. The accounts engaged in the antivaccination narratives lean to the right (conservative) direction of the political spectrum. The vaccine hesitancy is fueled by misinformation originating from websites with already questionable credibility. Conclusions: The vaccine-related misinformation on social media may exacerbate the levels of vaccine hesitancy, hampering progress toward vaccine-induced herd immunity, and could potentially increase the number of infections related to new COVID-19 variants. For these reasons, understanding vaccine hesitancy through the lens of social media is of paramount importance. Because data access is the first obstacle to attain this goal, we published a data set that can be used in studying antivaccine misinformation on social media and enable a better understanding of vaccine hesitancy. %M 34653016 %R 10.2196/30642 %U https://publichealth.www.mybigtv.com/2021/11/e30642 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/30642 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/34653016