期刊文章%@ 2369-2960 % JMIR出版物% v6 %N 4卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析 %P e19618 %T YouTube视频评论健康饮食:描述与预测分析%A Teng,Shasha %A Khong,Kok Wei %A Pahlevan Sharif,Saeed %A Ahmed,Amr %+商业与法律学院,泰勒大学湖滨分校,1马来西亚梳邦查亚Jalan Taylor's, 60 3 5629 56666, shatengsha@gmail.com %K YouTube评论%K文本挖掘%K健康饮食%K聚类%K结构方程建模%D 2020 %7 1.10.2020 %9原始论文%J JMIR公共卫生监测%G英语%X营养不良和食物选择导致健康问题,如肥胖、心血管疾病、糖尿病和癌症。这项对YouTube评论的研究旨在揭示食物选择的模式和驱动因素,以及探索网络社区中健康饮食的情绪。目的:本研究的目的是探讨在线社区健康饮食行为的决定因素、动机和障碍,并通过文本挖掘技术深入了解YouTube视频评论者对健康饮食的看法和情绪。方法:本文应用文本挖掘技术来识别和分类有意义的健康饮食决定因素。然后将这些决定因素纳入反映其主题和情感性质的假设定义结构中,以便使用基于方差的结构方程建模程序测试我们提出的模型。结果:使用从马来西亚背景下的YouTube视频中提取的4654条评论的数据集,我们应用文本挖掘方法来分析健康饮食的感知和行为。在健康饮食的概念中,食物成分、食物价格、食物选择、食物分量、幸福感、烹饪和文化被确定为10类。结构方程建模结果显示,聚类与健康饮食呈正相关,且P值均小于0.001,表明研究结果具有统计学意义。 People hold complex and multifaceted beliefs about healthy eating in the context of YouTube videos. Fruits and vegetables are the epitome of healthy foods. Despite having a favorable perception of healthy eating, people may not purchase commonly recognized healthy food if it has a premium price. People associate healthy eating with weight concerns. Food taste, variety, and availability are identified as reasons why Malaysians cannot act on eating healthily. Conclusions: This study offers significant value to the existing literature of health-related studies by investigating the rich and diverse social media data gleaned from YouTube. This research integrated text mining analytics with predictive modeling techniques to identify thematic constructs and analyze the sentiments of healthy eating. %M 33001036 %R 10.2196/19618 %U https://publichealth.www.mybigtv.com/2020/4/e19618 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/19618 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/33001036