%0期刊文章%@ 2369-2960 %I JMIR出版物%V 4% 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析N 4% P e70% T 2011年福岛核电站灾难相关推文数量的区域性分析:内容分析%A青木,友博%A铃木,铁平%A八原,绫子%A长谷川,申%A辻,新太郎%A小浅原,克彦%+北海道大学健康科学学院,北海道北区N12- W5,札幌,060-0812,日本,81 11 706 2823,oga@hs.hokudai.ac.jp %K福岛核灾难%K推特消息%K辐射%K放射性%K放射性危险释放%K地理位置%K信息传播%D 2018 %7 18.12.2018 %9原始论文%J JMIR公共卫生监测%G英文%X背景:2011年3月11日东日本大地震,引发巨大海啸,造成福岛第一核电站核灾难。放射性物质被带到四面八方,同时也有放射性污染的危险。大众传媒公司,如电视台和新闻网站,广泛报道了与灾难有关的辐射信息。在消化了现有的放射信息后,许多公民转向社交媒体,如Twitter和Facebook,表达他们的意见和感受。因此,福岛第一核电站灾难也改变了日本的社交媒体格局。然而,很少有研究探讨在日本接受辐射信息的人是如何传播信息的。目的:本研究旨在揭示公民在推特上包含放射信息的推文数量如何在不同地区变化。方法:该研究使用了福岛第一核电站核灾难发生后1年内发布的约1900万条推文,其中包括“辐射”、“放射性”和“放射性物质”等术语。 Nearly 45,000 tweets were extracted based on their inclusion of geographic information (latitude and longitude). The number of monthly tweets in 4 districts (Fukushima Prefecture, prefectures around Fukushima Prefecture, within the Tokyo Electric Power Company area, and others) were analyzed. Results: The number of tweets containing the keywords per 100,000 people at the time of the casualty outbreak was 7.05 per month in Fukushima Prefecture, 2.07 per month in prefectures around Fukushima Prefecture, 5.23 per month in the area within Tokyo Electric Power Company, and 1.35 per month in others. The number of tweets per 100,000 people more than doubled in Fukushima Prefecture 2 months after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, whereas the number decreased to around 0.7~0.8 tweets in other districts. Conclusions: The number of tweets per 100,000 people became half of that on March 2011 3 or 4 months after the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant disaster in 3 districts except district 1 (Fukushima Prefecture); the number became a half in Fukushima Prefecture half a year later. %M 30563815 %R 10.2196/publichealth.7496 %U http://publichealth.www.mybigtv.com/2018/4/e70/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/publichealth.7496 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30563815