%0杂志文章%@ 2369- 2960% I JMIR出版物%V 3%卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析 N 4% P e83% T结合参与式流感监测与建模和预测:三种备选方法%A Brownstein,John S %A Chu,Shuyu %A Marathe,Achla %A Marathe,Madhav V %A Nguyen,Andre T %A Paolotti,Daniela A Perra,Nicola %A Perrotta,Daniela A Santillana,Mauricio %A Swarup,Samarth %A Tizzoni,Michele %A Vespignani,Alessandro %A Vullikanti,Anil Kumar S %A Wilson,Mandy L %A Zhang,Qian +网络动力学和模拟科学实验室,弗吉尼亚理工大学生物复杂性研究所,1015生命科学圈,弗吉尼亚州,1 540 231 9210,amarathe@vt.edu %K预测%K疾病监测%K众包%K无反应偏差%D 2017年%7 2017年01月11日%9原始论文%J JMIR公共卫生监测%G英文%X背景:流感疫情每年影响数百万人,其监测通常在发达国家通过哨点医生网络进行,他们报告每周在被访问患者中观察到的流感样疾病病例数。监测和预测这些疫情的演变有助于决策者设计有效的干预措施和分配资源以减轻其影响。目的:描述用于季节性流感流行建模和预测的现有参与式监测方法,以及它们如何有助于加强实时流行科学,并提供对流行状况的更严格了解。方法:我们描述了三种不同的参与式监测系统,WISDM(广泛互联网来源分布式监测),Influenzanet和Flu Near You (FNY),并展示了如何建模和模拟可以或已经与参与式疾病监测相结合:i)使用WISDM测量参与式监测样本中的无反应偏倚;以及ii)世界不同地区流感活动的近期预报和预测(使用Influenzanet和Flu Near You)。结果:基于wisdm的结果测量了三个流行指标(即发病率、峰值感染率和峰值时间)的参与性偏差和样本偏差,并发现参与性偏差是总偏差的最大组成部分。流感网平台表明,数字参与式监测数据与现实数据驱动的流行病学模型相结合,可以提供流行强度的短期和长期预测,大多数周的实际数据都在95%置信区间内。随着季节的进展,集合预报的统计准确性也在提高。 The Flu Near You platform shows that participatory surveillance data provide accurate short-term flu activity forecasts and influenza activity predictions. The correlation of the HealthMap Flu Trends estimates with the observed CDC ILI rates is 0.99 for 2013-2015. Additional data sources lead to an error reduction of about 40% when compared to the estimates of the model that only incorporates CDC historical information. Conclusions: While the advantages of participatory surveillance, compared to traditional surveillance, include its timeliness, lower costs, and broader reach, it is limited by a lack of control over the characteristics of the population sample. Modeling and simulation can help overcome this limitation as well as provide real-time and long-term forecasting of influenza activity in data-poor parts of the world. %M 29092812 %R 10.2196/publichealth.7344 %U http://publichealth.www.mybigtv.com/2017/4/e83/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/publichealth.7344 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29092812