%0期刊文章%@ 2369-2960 %I JMIR出版物%V 1% 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析N 1% P e2 %T围绕人类乳头瘤病毒疫苗接种的公共卫生新闻的数字分发:A信息流行病学研究%A Mahoney,L Meghan %A Tang,Tang %A Ji,Kai %A Ulrich-Schad,Jessica %+西切斯特大学,511主厅,西切斯特,PA, 19383,美国,1 3022998475,mmahoney@wcupa.edu %K新媒体%K公共卫生传播%K健康传播%K社交媒体%K HPV疫苗接种%K信息流行病学%K信息监测%D 2015 %7 18.03.2015 %9原始论文%J JMIR公共卫生监测%G英文%X背景:新媒体改变了公共卫生信息和错误信息的传播。美国众议员米歇尔·巴赫曼在做客《今日秀》时声称,人类乳头瘤病毒(HPV)疫苗可能导致“智力迟钝”。目的:本研究旨在探讨新媒体对公共卫生信息用户获取类型的影响,以及在发生重大争议后对公共卫生信息平台的影响。具体而言,本研究旨在考察谷歌news与Twitter在传播HPV疫苗相关新闻文章方面的异同,以及Michele Bachmann发表争议性言论后新闻内容的变化。方法:本研究采用有目的的抽样,抽取2011年8月1日至10月31日在谷歌news上出现的前100篇新闻文章和Twitter上出现的前100篇文章。文章的语气、来源、主题、关注点、参考文献、出版日期和交互功能被编码。编码器之间的可靠性达到了。90。结果:关于HPV疫苗接种的文章中,44.0%(88/200)为正面语气,32.5%(65/200)为中性语气,23.5%(47/200)为负面语气。 Protection against diseases 82.0% (164/200), vaccine eligibility for females 75.5% (151/200), and side effects 59.0% (118/200) were the top three topics covered by these articles. Google News and Twitter articles significantly differed in article tone, source, topics, concerns covered, types of sources referenced in the article, and uses of interactive features. Most notably, topic focus changed from public health information towards political conversation after Bachmann’s comment. Before the comment, the HPV vaccine news talked more often about vaccine dosing (P<.001), duration (P=.005), vaccine eligibility for females (P=.03), and protection against diseases (P=.04) than did the later pieces. After the controversy, the news topic shifted towards politics (P=.01) and talked more about HPV vaccine eligibility for males (P=.01). Conclusions: This longitudinal infodemiology study suggests that new media influences public health communication, knowledge transaction, and poses potential problems in the amount of misinformation disseminated during public health campaigns. In addition, the study calls for more research to adopt an infodemiology approach to explore relationships between online information supply and public health decisions. %M 27227125 %R 10.2196/publichealth.3310 %U http://publichealth.www.mybigtv.com/2015/1/e2/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/publichealth.3310 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27227125