@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/40233,作者=“刘明鑫和周,思宇和金,群和西村,Shoji和Ogihara, Atsushi”,标题=“后COVID-19大流行时代COVID-19接触追踪应用程序的有效性、政策和用户接受度:经验和比较研究”,期刊=“JMIR公共卫生监测”,年=“2022”,月=“10”,日=“27”,卷=“8”,数=“10”,页=“e40233”,关键词=“COVID-19;接触者追踪应用;数字接触追踪;背景:在COVID-19大流行时期,许多国家都推出了追踪COVID-19感染接触者的应用程序。由于不同国家的联系人追踪政策或技术的不同,每个联系人追踪应用程序都面临着各种各样的问题。目的:在本研究中,我们旨在调查全球各国用于追踪接触者的所有CTA,包括每个CTA使用的技术,从官方网站获得CTA知识的情况,各国CTA的互操作性,以及启动CTA的具体国家的感染检出率和政策,并根据收集到的信息总结当前应用程序存在的问题。方法:我们调查了通过谷歌、谷歌Scholar和PubMed在各国推出的cta。我们对所有可以安装的应用程序进行了实验,并通过查阅官方网站和以前的文献整理了不能安装或使用的应用程序的信息。我们将收集到的cta信息与以往的相关文献进行对比,以了解和分析数据。结果:在筛选了全球197个国家开发的166个COVID-19应用程序后,我们从95个国家(48.2{\%})中选择了98个(59{\%})应用程序,其中63个(66.3{\%})应用程序可用。 The methods of contact tracing are divided into 3 main categories: Bluetooth, geolocation, and QR codes. At the technical level, CTAs face 3 major problems. First, the distance and time for Bluetooth- and geolocation-based CTAs to record contact are generally set to 2 meters and 15 minutes; however, this distance should be lengthened, and the time should be shortened for more infectious variants. Second, Bluetooth- or geolocation-based CTAs also face the problem of lack of accuracy. For example, individuals in 2 adjacent vehicles during traffic jams may be at a distance of ≤2 meters to make the CTA trace contact, but the 2 users may actually be separated by car doors, which could prevent transmission and infection. In addition, we investigated infection detection rates in 33 countries, 16 (48.5{\%}) of which had significantly low infection detection rates, wherein CTAs could have lacked effectiveness in reducing virus propagation. Regarding policy, CTAs in most countries can only be used in their own countries and lack interoperability among other countries. In addition, 7 countries have already discontinued CTAs, but we believe that it was too early to discontinue them. Regarding user acceptance, 28.6{\%} (28/98) of CTAs had no official source of information that could reduce user acceptance. Conclusions: We surveyed all CTAs worldwide, identified their technological policy and acceptance issues, and provided solutions for each of the issues we identified. This study aimed to provide useful guidance and suggestions for updating the existing CTAs and the subsequent development of new CTAs. ", issn="2369-2960", doi="10.2196/40233", url="https://publichealth.www.mybigtv.com/2022/10/e40233", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/40233", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36190741" }