@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/27917,作者="Zweig, Sophia Alison和Zapf, Alexander John和Xu, Hanmeng和Li, Qingfeng和Agarwal, Smisha和Labrique, Alain Bernard和Peters, David H",标题="美国和其他国家公共卫生和社会措施对COVID-19大流行的影响:描述分析",期刊="JMIR公共卫生监测",年="2021",月="Jun",日="2",卷="7",数="6",页数="e27917",关键词="监测;COVID-19;公共卫生;卫生政策;全球卫生;政策;流行病学;背景:美国是全球COVID-19病例和死亡人数最多的国家,部分原因可能是公共卫生和社会措施(PHSMs)实施方面的延误和不一致。目的:在这项描述性分析中,我们分析了美国PHSMs对COVID-19传播影响的流行病学证据,并将这些数据与其他10个不同收入水平、人口规模和地理位置的国家的数据进行了比较。方法:我们将PHSM实施的时间和严格程度与2020年1月1日至11月25日美国和加拿大、中国、埃塞俄比亚、日本、哈萨克斯坦、新西兰、新加坡、韩国、越南和津巴布韦的COVID-19每日病例数进行了比较。 We descriptively analyzed the impact of border closures, contact tracing, household confinement, mandated face masks, quarantine and isolation, school closures, limited gatherings, and states of emergency on COVID-19 case counts. We also compared the relationship between global socioeconomic indicators and national pandemic trajectories across the 11 countries. PHSMs and case count data were derived from various surveillance systems, including the Health Intervention Tracking for COVID-19 database, the World Health Organization PHSM database, and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Results: Implementing a specific package of 4 PHSMs (quarantine and isolation, school closures, household confinement, and the limiting of social gatherings) early and stringently was observed to coincide with lower case counts and transmission durations in Vietnam, Zimbabwe, New Zealand, South Korea, Ethiopia, and Kazakhstan. In contrast, the United States implemented few PHSMs stringently or early and did not use this successful package. Across the 11 countries, national income positively correlated (r=0.624) with cumulative COVID-19 incidence. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that early implementation, consistent execution, adequate duration, and high adherence to PHSMs represent key factors of reducing the spread of COVID-19. Although national income may be related to COVID-19 progression, a country's wealth appears to be less important in controlling the pandemic and more important in taking rapid, centralized, and consistent public health action. ", issn="2369-2960", doi="10.2196/27917", url="https://publichealth.www.mybigtv.com/2021/6/e27917", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/27917", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/33975277" }