@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/29789,作者=“Liew, Tau Ming and Lee, Cia Sin”,标题=“检验社交媒体在COVID-19疫苗接种中的效用:672,133条Twitter帖子的无监督学习”,期刊=“JMIR公共卫生监测”,年份=“2021”,月份=“11月”,日期=“3”,数量=“7”,数量=“11”,页面=“e29789”,关键词=“社交媒体;COVID-19;疫苗犹豫;自然语言处理;机器学习;背景:尽管COVID-19疫苗最近已经可用,但全球大规模疫苗接种的努力可能会受到普遍存在的疫苗犹豫问题的阻碍。目的:本研究的目的是利用社交媒体数据获取近实时的公众对COVID-19疫苗的观点和看法,旨在了解引起公众关注的关键问题,以及成功接种COVID-19疫苗的障碍和促进因素。方法:在2020年11月18日发布了第一种有效疫苗的新闻稿后的11周内,在推特上搜索与“COVID-19”和“疫苗”相关的推文。使用无监督机器学习方法(即结构主题建模)从推文中识别主题,通过手动进行主题分析,并在COM-B(行为的能力、机会和动机组件)模型的理论框架的指导下,将每个主题进一步分组为主题。使用基于规则的机器学习模型VADER(价感字典和情感推理器)对推文进行情感分析。 Results: Tweets related to COVID-19 vaccines were posted by individuals around the world (N=672,133). Six overarching themes were identified: (1) emotional reactions related to COVID-19 vaccines (19.3{\%}), (2) public concerns related to COVID-19 vaccines (19.6{\%}), (3) discussions about news items related to COVID-19 vaccines (13.3{\%}), (4) public health communications about COVID-19 vaccines (10.3{\%}), (5) discussions about approaches to COVID-19 vaccination drives (17.1{\%}), and (6) discussions about the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines (20.3{\%}). Tweets with negative sentiments largely fell within the themes of emotional reactions and public concerns related to COVID-19 vaccines. Tweets related to facilitators of vaccination showed temporal variations over time, while tweets related to barriers remained largely constant throughout the study period. Conclusions: The findings from this study may facilitate the formulation of comprehensive strategies to improve COVID-19 vaccine uptake; they highlight the key processes that require attention in the planning of COVID-19 vaccination and provide feedback on evolving barriers and facilitators in ongoing vaccination drives to allow for further policy tweaks. The findings also illustrate three key roles of social media in COVID-19 vaccination, as follows: surveillance and monitoring, a communication platform, and evaluation of government responses. ", issn="2369-2960", doi="10.2196/29789", url="https://publichealth.www.mybigtv.com/2021/11/e29789", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/29789", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/34583316" }