%0期刊文章%@ 2561- 9128% I JMIR出版物%V 3%卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析 N 1% P e15588% T电子患者报告结果测量的利弊:系统综述%A Meirte,Jill %A Hellemans,Nick %A Anthonissen,Mieke %A Denteneer,Lenie %A Maertens,Koen %A Moortgat,Peter %A Van Daele,Ulrike %+安特卫普大学医学与健康科学学院康复科学与物理治疗系,Wilrijk, 2610,比利时,32 (0)3 265 91 50,jill.meirte@uantwerpen.be %K电子患者报告的结果测量%K纸质患者报告的结果测量%K系统回顾%K优势%K缺陷%D 2020 %7 3.4.2020 %9回顾%J JMIR围手术期%G英文%X背景:患者报告的结果测量(PROMs)在临床实践和研究中非常重要。电子健康技术的发展为通过prom系统收集信息提供了前所未有的机会。目的:本研究的目的是对定性电子患者报告结局测量(eprom)数字收集的好处、障碍和缺点进行客观和全面的概述。方法:我们对PubMED和Web of Science上检索到的文章进行了系统综述。在所有阶段都遵循了系统评价和荟萃分析(PRISMA)首选报告项目指南。搜索策略总共产生了2333条记录,其中32条符合预定义的纳入和排除标准。从每项研究中提取eprom相关信息。结果:结果以优势和劣势聚类。 Reported benefits of ePROMs were greater patient preference and acceptability, lower costs, similar or faster completion time, higher data quality and response rates, and facilitated symptom management and patient-clinician communication. Tablets were the most used ePROM modality (14/32, 44%), and, as a platform, Web-based systems were used the most (26/32, 81%). Potential disadvantages of ePROMs include privacy protection, a possible large initial financial investment, and exclusion of certain populations or the “digital divide.” Conclusions: In conclusion, ePROMs offer many advantages over paper-based collection of patient-reported outcomes. Overall, ePROMs are preferred over paper-based methods, improve data quality, result in similar or faster completion time, decrease costs, and facilitate clinical decision making and symptom management. Disadvantages regarding ePROMs have been outlined, and suggestions are provided to overcome the barriers. We provide a path forward for researchers and clinicians interested in implementing ePROMs. Trial Registration: PROSPERO CRD42018094795; https://www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero/display_record.php?RecordID=94795 %R 10.2196/15588 %U http://periop.www.mybigtv.com/2020/1/e15588/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/15588