@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/17230,作者=“罗宾逊,安娜和丈夫,安德鲁·K和斯利利,罗伯特·D和斯利利,莎拉·P”,标题=“对接受减肥手术的患者的数字支持:在线论坛的角色和挑战的叙述回顾”,期刊=“JMIR Perioper Med”,年=“2020”,月=“7月”,日=“15”,量=“3”,数=“2”,页=“e17230”,关键词=“减肥手术;在线论坛;病人的支持;数字的支持;电子健康;背景:互联网已经成为医疗保健的重要媒介,为患者提供了搜索信息、指导和支持的机会,以管理他们的健康和福祉需求。在线论坛和基于互联网的平台似乎已经改变了许多接受减肥手术的患者在减肥手术前后看待和关注自己健康的方式。鉴于持续的体重减轻可以显著改善健康状况,确保患者坚持推荐的术前和术后指导对减肥手术的成功至关重要。在术前信息需求高,术后流失率高的患者队列中,在线论坛可能是一种未充分利用的支持方法。目的:本研究的目的是对在线论坛对术前和术后肥胖患者的发展作用进行叙述回顾。 Methods: A literature search was conducted in October-November 2019 across 5 electronic databases: Scopus, EMBASE, PsycINFO, CINAHL, and MEDLINE. Qualitative or mixed methods studies were included if they evaluated patients undergoing bariatric surgery (or bariatric surgery health care professionals) engaging with, using, or analyzing online discussion forums or social media platforms. Using thematic analysis, themes were developed from coding patterns within the data to identify the roles and challenges of online forums for patients undergoing bariatric surgery. Results: A total of 8 studies were included in this review, with 5 themes emerging around (1) managing expectations of a new life; (2) decision making and signposting; (3) supporting information seeking; (4) facilitating connectedness: peer-to-peer social and emotional support; and (5) enabling accessibility and connectivity with health care professionals. Conclusions: Online forums could offer one solution to improving postoperative success by supporting and motivating patients. Future research should consider how best to design and moderate online forums for maximal effectiveness and the sharing of accurate information. The surgical multidisciplinary team may consider recommendations of online peer-support networks to complement care for patients throughout their surgical journey. ", issn="2561-9128", doi="10.2196/17230", url="https://periop.www.mybigtv.com/2020/2/e17230", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/17230" }