@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/10728,作者=“Dave, Arpit和Yi, Johnny和Boothe, Andy和Brashear, Helene和Byrne, Jeffrey和Gad, Yash”,标题=“聆听子宫姐妹:关于子宫切除术恢复对话的回顾性关键词频率分析”,期刊=“JMIR Perioper Med”,年=“2019”,月=“Sep”,日=“26”,卷=“2”,数=“2”,页=“e10728”,关键词=“子宫切除术;妇科;社交媒体;背景:在术后期间,个体患者的体验差异很大,并基于一组不同的输入变量,这些输入变量受到手术过程中和整个过程中所有利益相关者的影响。尽管临床研究主要集中在临床和管理数据集上,以描述术后恢复经验,但对患者报告的结果测量(PROMs)的兴趣越来越大。患者自己参与的在线社区的发展为直接研究prom提供了一个场所。其中一个以论坛为基础的社区是HysterSisters,致力于帮助人们经历子宫切除术,这是一个切除子宫的重大手术。手术可以通过多种方法进行,如微创方法或使用更大切口的传统腹部入路。社区为“医疗和情感问题”提供支持[…]从诊断,到治疗,到康复。“用户可以指定他们何时和何种类型的子宫切除术。 They can discuss their shared experience of hysterectomy and provide, among other interactions, feedback, reassurance, sympathy, or advice, thus providing a unique view into conversations surrounding the hysterectomy experience. Objective: We aimed to characterize conversations about hysterectomy recovery as experienced by users of the HysterSisters online community. Methods: A retrospective keyword frequency analysis of the HysterSisters Hysterectomy Recovery forum was performed. Results: Within the Hysterectomy Recovery forum, 33,311 unique users declared their hysterectomy date and type and posted during the first 12 weeks postsurgery. A taxonomy of 8 primary symptom groups was created using a seed list of keywords generated from a term frequency analysis of these threads. Pain and bleeding were the two most mentioned symptom groups and account for almost half of all symptom mentions (19,965/40,127). For symptoms categories such as pain and hormones and emotions, there was no difference in the proportion of users mentioning related keywords, regardless of the type of hysterectomy, whereas bleeding-related or intimacy-related keywords were mentioned more frequently by users undergoing certain minimally invasive approaches when compared with those undergoing abdominal hysterectomy. Temporal patterns in symptom mentions were noted as well. The majority of all posting activity occurred in the first 3 weeks. Across all keyword groups, individuals reporting minimally invasive procedures ceased forum use of these keywords significantly earlier than those reporting abdominal hysterectomy. Peaks in conversation volume surrounding particular symptom categories were also identified at 1, 3, and 6 weeks postoperatively. Conclusions: The HysterSisters Hysterectomy Recovery forum and other such forums centered on users' health care experience can provide novel actionable insights that can improve patient-centered care during the postoperative period. This study adds another dimension to the utility of social media analytics by demonstrating that measurement of post volumes and distribution of symptom mentions over time reveal key opportunities for beneficial symptom-specific patient engagement. ", issn="2561-9128", doi="10.2196/10728", url="http://periop.www.mybigtv.com/2019/2/e10728/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/10728" }