TY -的盟Herbst瑞秋非盟- Rybak,蒂芙尼非盟- Meisman,安德里亚盟-怀特海德,莫妮卡AU -罗森,布列塔尼非盟-克罗斯比,Lori E AU -克莱恩,梅丽莎·D盟——真实,弗朗西斯·J PY - 2021 DA - 2021/6/29 TI -虚拟现实居民行为健康先行指导培训课程:开发和可用性研究乔——JMIR Pediatr父SP - e29518六世- 4 - 2 KW -居民教育KW——虚拟现实KW -行为健康促进KW - COVID-19 AB -背景:行为健康障碍稳步增加,并因COVID-19大流行而加剧。尽管早期实施循证家长管理策略可以成功缓解行为健康障碍,但迄今为止,针对儿科住院医师的行为健康预见性指导教育一直有限,COVID-19大流行的保持身体距离要求加剧了培训挑战。虚拟现实(VR)模拟提供了一个机会,让居民在遵守当前社交距离指南的同时,有意识地练习必要的技能,从而培训他们的复杂能力。目的:本研究探讨基于虚拟现实的行为健康预见性指导课程对儿科住院医师的可用性。方法:本混合方法研究包括14名完成行为健康预见性指导VR课程的三年级儿科住院医师。居民们完成了MEC空间存在感问卷,以评估虚拟环境中的沉浸感。半结构化访谈被用来阐明住院医师对课程内容和形式的看法。访谈采用常规内容分析法进行分析。结果:在数量上,居民报告了高度的沉浸感、空间存在感和认知参与。 Most residents (11/14, 79%) agreed or strongly agreed that it seemed as though they took part in the action of the simulation. Qualitatively, two themes emerged from the data: (1) the curriculum expands behavioral health anticipatory guidance and motivational interviewing knowledge and skills and (2) VR technology is uniquely positioned to develop competence. These themes revealed that the curriculum expanded their current level of knowledge and skill, addressed training gaps, and was applicable to all residents. Additionally, residents experienced VR as immersive, feasible, realistic to the clinic setting, and a safe space to practice and learn new skills. Conclusions: Pilot data indicates that VR may be an effective tool to teach pediatric residents behavioral health anticipatory guidance, meeting a current gap in medical education training. This VR curriculum is particularly relevant in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic given the increased behavioral health concerns of families. SN - 2561-6722 UR - https://pediatrics.www.mybigtv.com/2021/2/e29518 UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/29518 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/34081601 DO - 10.2196/29518 ID - info:doi/10.2196/29518 ER -