%0期刊文章%@ 2561- 6722% I JMIR出版物%V 5%卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析 N 4% P e37581% T母乳喂养评价应用程序特点:内容分析研究%A Dinour,Lauren M %A Pole,Antoinette %+蒙特克莱尔州立大学教育与公共服务学院营养与食品研究系,新泽西州蒙特克莱尔师范大道1号,美国,1 973 655 5395,dinourl@montclair.edu % K母乳喂养% K母乳表达式% K进瓶% K婴儿食品% K婴儿健康% K婴儿保健% K消费者健康信息学% K移动应用% K智能手机% K横断面研究% D原始论文7 26.10.2022 % 9 2022% % J JMIR Pediatr父% G英语% X背景:虽然各种健康的应用比比皆是,不到一半的美国成人报告使用健康应用,尽管无处不在的智能手机用户年龄在18岁到49岁。几项研究调查了母乳喂养应用程序的使用情况;然而,我们对这些应用的功能类型以及影响应用评级的因素知之甚少。目的:本文旨在描述母乳喂养应用程序的特征,评估用户评分较高的应用程序与用户评分较低的应用程序在跟踪和非跟踪功能方面是否存在差异,并分析功能的类型和数量是否可以预测用户评分,以及应用程序的评分较高或较低。方法:采用横断面设计,从苹果应用商店(iOS)和谷歌Play商店(Android)中挑选母乳喂养应用程序的便利样本。应用程序(N=82)的内容分析使用87个项目的模式进行,然后将其编译成9个主题指数,分别为母乳喂养、奶瓶喂养、固体食物、婴儿健康、婴儿护理、技术特征、信息学、信息特征和互动性。分析包括描述性统计、Mann-Whitney U检验和Spearman等级相关性。进行了线性回归和二元逻辑回归分析,以确定哪些特征可以预测用户星级。 Results: On average, users rated breastfeeding apps 4.4 of 5 stars. Two-thirds of apps (n=54) were higher rated (≥4.5 stars), and one-third (n=28) were lower rated (<4.5 stars). Higher-rated apps offered more tracking features for breastfeeding, bottle feeding, solid foods, infant health, and infant care than lower-rated apps. The breastfeeding, solid-food, and technical indices explained 17% of user star ratings. For each additional breastfeeding and solid-food feature, we can expect to see a 27% and 35% increase, respectively, in user star ratings. Additionally, as the number of solid-food features increased, the odds that the app is higher rated increased 1.58 times. Conclusions: Our findings suggest user ratings are driven in part by tracking features, specifically those related to breastfeeding and solid foods. The proliferation of mobile health apps offers opportunities for parents and caregivers to track behaviors associated with infant feeding and other health metrics in a dynamic, detailed, and comprehensive manner. Hence, breastfeeding apps have the potential to promote and support breastfeeding among users. %M 36287596 %R 10.2196/37581 %U https://pediatrics.www.mybigtv.com/2022/4/e37581 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/37581 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36287596