杂志文章@ 2561- 6722% I JMIR出版物V 5% N 2卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析% P e36317 T基于web的儿童脑震荡信息图的家长知识,自信和可用性评估:多方法研究%A坎贝尔,艾莉森%A哈特林,丽莎%A普ourde,维琪%A斯科特,香农+护理学院,阿尔伯塔大学,三级埃德蒙顿临床卫生学院,11405 87大道,埃德蒙顿,AB, T6G 1C9,加拿大,1780 492 1037,shannon.scott@ualberta.ca %K脑震荡%K mTBI %K可用性评估%K知识评估%K知识翻译%K家长知识%K家长信心%K患者参与%K教育工具%D 2022 %7 10.5.2022 %9原始论文%J JMIR儿科家长%G英语%X脑震荡被称为轻度创伤性脑损伤,是由头部受到直接或间接打击造成的复杂损伤,日益被认为是儿童及其家庭面临的重大公共卫生问题。先前的研究发现,很少有研究考察教育干预对父母脑震荡知识的有效性。这项研究的目的是与经历过脑震荡的儿童及其父母积极合作,开发、完善和评估儿童脑震荡网络信息图的可用性。目的:本研究的目的是报告信息图的可用性,家长的知识和自信的儿童脑震荡知识暴露前后。方法:采用患者参与技术的多阶段、多方法研究设计用于开发基于网络的信息图表。在这一研究阶段(可用性、知识和信心评估),研究人员通过社交媒体平台招募了能用英语交流的家长,并邀请他们完成基于网络的问卷调查。对家长进行干预前和干预后的电子问卷调查,以评估查看信息图后对脑震荡知识和信心的变化。 A usability questionnaire with 11 items was also completed. Results: A web-based, infographic was developed. The infographic is intended for parents and children and incorporates information that parents and children identified as both wants and needs about concussion alongside the best available research evidence on pediatric concussion. A total of 31 surveys were completed by parents. The mean scores for each item on the usability surveys ranged from 8.03 (SD 1.70) to 9.26 (SD 1.09) on a 10-point Likert scale, indicating that the usability components of the infographic were largely positive. There was no statistically significant difference between preintervention and postintervention knowledge scores (Z=−0.593; P=.55; both preintervention and postintervention knowledge scores had a median of 9 out of 10). In contrast, there was a statistically significant difference between preintervention (mean 3.9/5, SD 0.56) and postintervention (mean 4.4/5, SD 0.44) confidence in knowledge scores (t30=−5.083; P<.001). Conclusions: Our results demonstrate that parents positively rated a web-based, infographic for pediatric concussion. In addition, although there was no statistically significant difference overall in parents’ knowledge scores before and after viewing the infographic, their confidence in their knowledge did significantly increase. These results suggest that using a web-based infographic as a knowledge translation intervention may be useful in increasing parents’ confidence in managing their child’s concussion. %M 35536631 %R 10.2196/36317 %U https://pediatrics.www.mybigtv.com/2022/2/e36317 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/36317 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35536631