研究使用基于facebook的支持小组来帮助有复杂护理需求的儿童和青少卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析年的照顾者:定性描述研究%A Kelly,Katherine Jennifer %A Doucet,Shelley %A Luke,Alison %A Azar,Rima %A Montelpare,William %+爱德华王子岛大学应用人文科学系健康中心研究诊所,加拿大夏洛特敦大学大道550号,C1A 4P3,加拿大,1 902 566 0827,kjkelly@upei.ca %K同伴支持%K儿童%K青年%K复杂照顾需求%K社交媒体%K社会支持%D 2022 %7 7.6.2022 %9背景:有复杂照顾需求(CCN)的儿童和青少年的照顾者需要大量的支持来确保其家庭的幸福。基于网络的点对点(P2P)支持小组为护理人员提供了寻求和提供及时信息和情感支持的机会。尽管在不同的患者和护理人员群体中广泛使用社交媒体进行健康相关支持,但目前尚不清楚CCN儿童和青少年的护理人员如何使用这些群体并可能从这些群体中受益。目的:本研究的目的是探索在加拿大新不伦瑞克省使用基于网络的P2P支持小组来照顾患有CCN的儿童和青少年,并调查其成员使用的相关因素。方法:研究样本包括加入一个封闭的Facebook小组的个人,并对该小组发布的内容进行分析。在第一阶段,在与患者和家属咨询委员会协商后,建立了一个Facebook小组,并招募成员加入小组。本研究的第二阶段包括一个观察期,在此期间收集会员的帖子和相关互动(即喜欢,喜欢和评论)。在第三阶段,分发了一份基于网络的调查,并对小组成员的子样本进行了半结构化访谈。 Survey and interview data were analyzed using thematic analysis. Results: A total of 108 caregivers joined the Facebook group between October 2020 and March 2021. There were 93 posts with 405 comments and 542 associated interactions (448/542, 82.7% likes and 94/542, 17.3% loves). Of these 93 posts, 37 (40%) were made by group members, and 56 (60%) were made by moderators. Of the 108 members, a subsample of 39 (36.1%) completed a web-based survey, and 14 (13%) participated in the interviews. Content analyses of posts by members revealed that inquiry (17/37, 46%), informational (15/37, 41%), and emotional posts (4/37, 11%) were the most common. Emotional posts received the highest number of interactions (median 24.5). In total, 5 themes emerged from the interviews related to the use of the group and mediating factors of interactions between group members: resource for information, altruistic contribution, varying level of engagement, perceived barriers to and facilitators of group activity, and moderators as contributing members. Conclusions: These findings demonstrate that caregivers of children and youth with CCN seek geography-specific P2P support groups to meet informational and social support needs. This study contributes to the knowledge on how caregivers use Facebook groups to meet their support needs through moderate and passive engagement. %M 35671082 %R 10.2196/33170 %U https://pediatrics.www.mybigtv.com/2022/2/e33170 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/33170 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35671082