%0期刊文章%@ 2561- 6722% I JMIR出版物%V 5%卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析 N 1% P e30340% T父母对移动健康干预影响人乳头瘤病毒疫苗接种决策的经验:混合方法研究%A Becker,Elisabeth RB %A Shegog,Ross %A Savas,Lara S %A Frost,Erica L %A Coan,Sharon P %A Healy,C Mary %A Spinner,Stanley W %A Vernon,Sally W %+德克萨斯大学休斯顿健康科学中心,7000范宁街,德克萨斯州休斯顿,77030,美国,1 (713)500 9677,elisabethrbecker@gmail.com %K人乳头瘤病毒%K疫苗%K用户体验%K父母%K mHealth %K HPV %K疫苗%K育儿%K儿科%K性健康%K宫颈癌%K青少年%K mHealth %K应用%K应用%D 2022 %7 21.2.2022 %9原始论文%J JMIR儿童父母%G英文%X背景:人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)导致的癌症是可以预防的,但HPV疫苗接种率严重落后于其他青少年疫苗接种。HPVcancerFree (HPVCF)是一种移动健康(mHealth)干预措施,旨在通过提高对HPV的认识,减少HPV疫苗接种障碍,并通过智能手机应用程序实现HPV疫苗接种计划和提醒,从而影响父母的HPV疫苗接种决策。评估移动健康干预措施的用户体验是评估其质量和成功的重要组成部分,但在移动健康干预措施评估中往往被低估。目的:我们旨在评估HPVCF的用户体验,HPVCF是一款为儿科诊所网络设计的HPV癌症预防应用程序,使用日志文件、调查措施和定性反馈等混合方法收集数据。方法:在一组随机对照试验的治疗研究条件中,使用HPVCF对来自大型美国儿科诊所网络的父母的研究数据进行评估。日志数据捕获HPVCF保留和使用。干预后评价量表和项目评估了HPVCF的效用、有用性、可理解性、吸引力、可信度和感知影响。使用用户版移动应用评定量表(uMars)对整体质量进行评估。开放式回答评估了家长对增强HPVCF的建议。 Results: The 98 parents were mainly female (n=94, 96%), 41 (5.67) years of age, college educated (n=55, 56%), and White and non-Hispanic (n=55, 56%) and had private health insurance for their children (n=75, 77%). Parents used HPVCF 197 times, with the average visit duration approximating 3.5 minutes. The uMARS app quality score was positively skewed (4.2/5.0). Mean ratings were highest for information (4.46 [SD 0.53]) and lowest for engagement (3.74 [SD 0.69]). In addition, of 95 parents, 45 (47%) rated HPVCF as helpful in HPV vaccination decision making and 16 (17%) attributed HPV vaccine initiation to HPVCF. Parents reported that HPVCF increased their awareness (84/95, 88%), knowledge (84/95, 88%), and HPV vaccination intentions (64/95, 67%). Most of the 98 parents rated the 4 HPVCF components as useful (72-92 [73%-94%]). Parents also agreed that HPVCF is clear (86/95, 91%), accurate (86/95, 91%), and more helpful than other HPV vaccine information they had received (89/95, 94%) and that they would recommend it to others (81/95, 85%). In addition, parents suggested ways to increase awareness and engagement with the app, along with opportunities to enhance the content and functionality. Conclusions: HPVCF was well received by parents and performed well on indicators of quality, usefulness, utility, credibility, and perceived impact. This study contributes a multimethod and multimeasure evaluation to the growing body of literature focused on assessing the user experience of patient-focused technology-mediated applications for HPV education. %M 35188469 %R 10.2196/30340 %U https://pediatrics.www.mybigtv.com/2022/1/e30340 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/30340 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35188469