%0杂志文章%@ 2561- 6722% I JMIR出版物%V 4%卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析 N 4% P e27988 %T坦桑尼亚儿童癌症护理中移动电话使用的可接受性:横断面问卷研究%A Schroeder,Kristin %A Maiarana,James %A Gisiri,Mwitasrobert %A Joo,Emma %A Muiruri,Charles %A Zullig,Leah %A Masalu,Nestory %A Vasudevan,Lavanya +杜克大学医学中心儿科肿瘤科,102382号箱,达勒姆,北卡罗来纳州,27710,美国,1 9196686288,kristin.schroeder@duke.edu %K移动健康%K识字%K智能手机使用%K发展中国家%K儿童癌症%K癌症%K儿科%K儿童%K父母%K护理人员%K移动健康%K智能手机%K短信%K教育%K知识转移%K沟通%D 2021 %7 8.12.2021 %9原创论文%J JMIR儿童父母%G英语%X背景:在低收入和中等收入国家(LMICs)被诊断患有癌症的儿童与高收入国家的儿童之间存在60%的生存差距。护理人员对儿童癌症及其治疗的知识不足,导致中低收入国家的患者出现延迟和随后的治疗放弃。然而,由于卫生工作者短缺和培训不足,提高护理人员知识的面对面教育可能具有挑战性。由于移动电话在全球范围内的使用迅速扩大,移动医疗(mHealth)技术提供了提供面对面教育的另一种选择。目的:本研究的目的是评估坦桑尼亚诊断为癌症儿童的护理人员的手机拥有和使用模式,以及他们对癌症教育、患者沟通和护理协调的移动健康干预的可接受性。方法:2017年7月,对在Bugando医疗中心(BMC)接受治疗的未满18岁的癌症儿童的护理人员进行了调查,以确定手机所有权、使用模式、技术素养以及使用手机进行癌症教育、患者沟通和护理协调的可接受性。通过对连续变量使用平均值和标准差,对二元变量或分类变量使用百分比,从调查数据中生成描述性统计数据。结果:所有符合条件的护理人员都同意参与并完成调查。 Of the 40 caregivers who enrolled in the study, most used a mobile phone (n=34, 85%) and expressed high acceptability in using these devices to communicate with a health care provider regarding treatment support (n=39, 98%), receiving laboratory results (n=37, 93%), receiving reminders for upcoming appointments (n=38, 95%), and receiving educational information on cancer (n=35, 88%). Although only 9% (3/34) of mobile phone owners owned phones with smartphone capabilities, about 74% (25/34) self-reported they could view and read SMS text messages. Conclusions: To our knowledge, this is the first study to assess patterns of mobile phone ownership and use among caregivers of children with cancer in Tanzania. The high rate of mobile phone ownership and caregiver acceptability for a mobile phone–based education and communication strategy suggests that a mobile phone–based intervention, particularly one that utilizes SMS technology, could be feasible in this setting. %M 34889763 %R 10.2196/27988 %U https://pediatrics.www.mybigtv.com/2021/4/e27988 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/27988 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/34889763