%0期刊文章%@ 2561- 6722% I JMIR出版物%V 4%卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析 N 1% P e22696% T儿科远程医疗:随机对照试验系统综述A Shah,Aashaka C %A Badawy,Sherif M %+血液、肿瘤、神经肿瘤和干细胞移植科,Ann & Robert H Lurie芝加哥儿童医院,芝加哥大道225号,伊利诺伊州芝加哥市,1 3122274000 ext 74836,sbadawy@luriechildrens.org %K远程医疗%K远程保健%K儿科%K COVID-19 %K冠状病毒%K大流行%K数字%K电子保健%K移动保健%K移动保健%D 2021 %7 24.2.2021 %9回顾%J JMIR儿科家长%G英语%X背景:医疗保健提供者使用远程医疗方式,如视频会议,向患者远程提供医疗保健。近年来,儿科远程医疗的使用有所增加。这改善了卫生保健可及性,优化了疾病管理,在健康状况监测方面取得了进展,并减少了在大流行期间(如COVID-19大流行)与患病患者的接触。目的:我们旨在系统评估远程医疗服务的可行性和可及性,患者和护理提供者对这些服务的满意度,以及与不同健康状况的儿科人群使用远程医疗服务相关的治疗结果的最新证据。方法:研究数据来自PubMed数据库,时间为2020年5月10日。我们遵循PRISMA(系统评价和元分析首选报告项目)指南。在这篇综述中,我们纳入了来自过去10年的随机对照试验,这些试验使用远程医疗方法作为研究干预或评估远程医疗作为儿科护理的一个亚专业。标题和摘要根据资格标准独立筛选。 Afterward, full texts were retrieved and independently screened based on the eligibility criteria. A standardized form was used to extract the following data: publication title, first author’s name, publication year, participants’ characteristics, study design, the technology-based approach that was used, intervention characteristics, study goals, and study findings. Results: In total, 11 articles met the inclusion criteria and were included in this review. All studies were categorized as randomized controlled trials (8/11, 73%) or cluster randomized trials (3/11, 27%). The number of participants in each study ranged from 22 to 400. The health conditions that were assessed included obesity (3/11, 27%), asthma (2/11, 18%), mental health conditions (1/11, 9%), otitis media (1/11, 9%), skin conditions (1/11, 9%), type 1 diabetes (1/11, 9%), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (1/11, 9%), and cystic fibrosis–related pancreatic insufficiency (1/11). The telemedicine approaches that were used included patient and doctor videoconferencing visits (5/11, 45%), smartphone-based interventions (3/11, 27%), telephone counseling (2/11, 18%), and telemedicine-based screening visits (1/11, 9%). The telemedicine interventions in all included studies resulted in outcomes that were comparable to or better than the outcomes of control groups. These outcomes were related to symptom management, quality of life, satisfaction, medication adherence, visit completion rates, and disease progression. Conclusions: Although more research is needed, the evidence from this review suggests that telemedicine services for the general public and pediatric care are comparable to or better than in-person services. Patients, health care professionals, and caregivers may benefit from using both telemedicine services and traditional, in-person health care services. To maximize the potential of telemedicine, future research should focus on improving patients’ access to care, increasing the cost-effectiveness of telemedicine services, and eliminating barriers to telemedicine use. %M 33556030 %R 10.2196/22696 %U https://pediatrics.www.mybigtv.com/2021/1/e22696 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/22696 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/33556030