%0期刊文章%@ 2561- 6722% I JMIR出版物%V 3%卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析 N 2% P e21644 %T青少年抑郁症的社交媒体使用和监测及其对COVID-19大流行的影响:亲子视角的定性研究%A bieresser,Candice %A Montano,Gerald %A Miller,Elizabeth %A Radovic,Ana %+匹兹堡大学精神病学系,BFT 313, 3811 O'Hara St, Pittsburgh, PA, 15213, usa, 1 412 586 9064, lubbertcl@upmc.edu %K社交媒体%K青少年%K父母%K抑郁症%K揭露%K定性研究%K COVID-19 %D 2020 %7 8.12.2020 %9原始论文%J JMIR儿科父母%G英语%X背景:尽管青少年在日常生活中报告了许多使用社交媒体(SM)的积极经历,但患有抑郁症的青少年比没有抑郁症的青少年更容易受到SM使用风险的影响。父母通过监控孩子的SM活动来保护患有抑郁症的青少年免受SM使用的风险;然而,这与青少年在网络交流中对自主的需要产生了冲突。SM的使用和监测对抑郁症青少年及其父母的影响与COVID-19大流行特别相关,因为SM的使用率随着保持身体距离措施的实施而增加。目的:本研究旨在探讨父母和孩子对SM在抑郁症青少年日常生活中的使用和功能的看法,以及父母对监测孩子SM使用的看法和经验。方法:我们在2013年7月至2014年9月期间对患有抑郁症的青少年(n=23)和每个青少年(n=23)的一位父母进行了定性访谈。这些青少年是宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡市寻求抑郁症治疗的患者。数据分析包括青少年和父母观点的二元分析和个别父母访谈的定性描述,以探索他们使用SM和监测的经历。 The construct of parental knowledge and factors hypothesized to contribute to parental knowledge, including adolescent disclosure, parental solicitation, and parental control, were used to guide the codebook and dyadic data analysis. Results: Dyadic analyses showed that parents and their children disagreed on the use and function of SM in the daily lives of adolescents with depression, with adolescents viewing SM as a forum for honest expression of their emotions, whereas parents felt that their children’s posts were inconsequential and interfered with the adolescents’ lives. Furthermore, parents reported using a wide range of strategies to gain knowledge of their child’s SM use to monitor their safety on SM, including direct solicitation and indirect solicitation, such as keeping the child's passwords, asking friends or siblings about their child's SM use, and restricting SM behavior and access to devices. Conclusions: Clinicians should support adolescents with depression and their parents in finding common ground for an effective and acceptable monitoring approach. Resources are provided for clinicians navigating conversations about SM use and monitoring with adolescents with depression and their parents during the COVID-19 pandemic. %M 33289678 %R 10.2196/21644 %U http://pediatrics.www.mybigtv.com/2020/2/e21644/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/21644 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/33289678