@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/33172,作者=“Kelly, Katherine Jennifer和Doucet, Shelley和Luke, Alison和Azar, Rima和Montelpare, William”,标题=“经验,动机和参与基于facebook的支持小组对有复杂护理需求的儿童和青少年的影响:质性描述性研究”,期刊=“JMIR儿科家长”,年=“2022”,月=“7”,日=“6”,卷=“5”,数=“3”,页面=“e33172”,关键词=“照顾者经验;点对点的支持;社会支持;社交媒体;有复杂照顾需要的儿童;背景:有复杂护理需求(ccn)的儿童和青少年的照顾者通常需要相当大的支持,以确保其家庭的福祉。社交媒体提供了一个机会,通过计算机媒介的社会支持沟通,更好地支持照顾者。点对点(P2P)支持小组是护理人员获得所需支持的一种方式;然而,使用这些小组的照顾者的经验以及参与对患有CCNs的儿童和青少年照顾者的感知影响尚不清楚。目的:本研究旨在探讨患有ccn的儿童和青少年的照料者使用基于facebook的P2P支持小组进行交流的经验,了解他们使用该小组的动机,并调查其对照料者的项目和服务知识以及社区归属感的感知影响。 Methods: A qualitative descriptive design was used to explore the experiences and perceived impact of a Facebook-based (Meta Platforms) P2P support group for caregivers of children and youth with CCNs in New Brunswick, Canada. The group was launched on the web in October 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic, and resulted in 108 caregivers joining the group. A web-based survey was distributed, and semistructured interviews were conducted in February 2021 with a subsample of members. Thematic analysis was used to identify and report patterns related to caregivers' experiences and perceived impacts of participation. Results: A subsample of members in the Facebook group completed the web-based survey (39/108, 36.1{\%}) and interviews (14/108, 12.9{\%}). A total of 5 themes emerged from the interviews: safe space, informational support and direction, web-based connection with peers, impact on knowledge of programs and services, and degree of community belonging. Participants reported joining the group to obtain geography-specific information support and connect with peers. Many participants reported an improvement in their knowledge of programs and services and felt connected to the community; however, the short observation period and diversity among the caregiver population were cited as barriers to community belonging. Conclusions: Social media present an important opportunity to facilitate the exchange of support between patients and caregivers in an accessible and curated environment. Findings from this study suggest that involvement in web-based, geography-specific P2P support groups can influence perceived knowledge of services and resources and sense of community belonging among caregivers of children and youth with CCNs. Furthermore, this study provides insight into the experiences and motivations of caregivers of children and youth with CCNs who participate in a private social media environment. ", issn="2561-6722", doi="10.2196/33172", url="https://pediatrics.www.mybigtv.com/2022/3/e33172", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/33172", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35793139" }