@文章{info:doi/10.2196/29731,作者=“Cooray, Nipuna和Sun, Si Louise和Ho, Catherine和Adams, Susan和Keay, Lisa和Nassar, Natasha和Brown, Julie”,标题=“走向一种行为理论——知情的和以用户为中心的父母防止婴儿跌倒的移动应用:开发和可用性研究”,期刊=“JMIR儿科父母”,年=“2021”,月=“12”,日=“20”,卷=“4”,数字=“4”,页=“e29731”,关键词=“儿童伤害;行为改变轮;手机应用程序;背景:跌倒约占婴儿受伤住院的50%,看护人的行为是防止婴儿跌倒的关键。已经有人提出了行为理论——知情的伤害预防干预措施,但迄今为止,很少有报道。使用智能手机进行伤害预防干预的潜力也未得到充分利用。目的:本研究旨在开发一种行为理论——基于证据和以用户为中心的数字干预,作为一种移动应用程序,为父母防止婴儿在敏捷开发实践中摔倒。方法:选择婴儿在喂养时跌倒作为跌倒机制,以演示正在采取的方法来发展这一干预。在第一阶段,行为改变之轮被用作理论框架,并得到文献综述的支持,以定义干预组件,然后作为移动应用程序实现。在第二阶段,在基于人的方法之后,通过大声思考访谈和理解评估进行用户测试,以完善干预的内容和实现。结果:在第一阶段确定的目标行为是新生儿母亲的充分休息和安全喂养实践定义为准备,位置和地点。 From behavioral determinants and the Behaviour Change Wheel, the behavior change functions selected to achieve these target behaviors were psychological capability, social opportunity, and reflective motivation. The selected behavior change techniques aligned with these functions were providing information on health consequences, using a credible source, instruction on performing each behavior, and social support. The defined intervention was implemented in a draft Android app. In phase 2, 4 rounds of user testing were required to achieve the predefined target comprehension level. The results from the think-aloud interviews were used to refine the intervention content and app features. Overall, the results from phase 2 revealed that users found the information provided to be helpful. Features such as self-tracking and inclusion of the social and environmental aspects of falls prevention were liked by the participants. Important feedback for the successful implementation of the digital intervention was also obtained from the user testing. Conclusions: To our knowledge, this is the first study to apply the Behaviour Change Wheel to develop a digital intervention for child injury prevention. This study provides a detailed example of evidence-based development of a behavior theory--informed mobile intervention for injury prevention refined using the person-based approach. ", issn="2561-6722", doi="10.2196/29731", url="https://pediatrics.www.mybigtv.com/2021/4/e29731", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/29731", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/34932004" }