@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/16280,作者="McGee, Beth和Leonte, Marie和Wildenhaus, Kevin和Wilcox, Marsha和Reps, Jenna和LaCross, Lauren",标题="利用数字技术进行孕期心理健康纵向研究:纵向小组调查研究",期刊="JMIR儿科父母",年="2021",月="Apr",日="27",卷="4",数="2",页数="e16280",关键词="数字;纵向;怀孕;产后;围产期;面板;研究设计;背景:在怀孕期间和怀孕后不久收集纵向数据是困难的,因为孕妇经常避免重复调查的研究。相比之下,孕妇在整个怀孕和产后的多个阶段都会与某些网站互动。这种数字连接提供了使用网站作为招募和登记孕妇参加小组研究并收集有价值的纵向数据的机会。 These data can then be used to learn new scientific insights and improve health care. Objective: The objective of this paper is to describe the approaches applied and lessons learned from designing and conducting an online panel for health care research, specifically perinatal mood disorders. Our panel design and approach aimed to recruit a large sample (N=1200) of pregnant women representative of the US population and to minimize attrition over time. Methods: We designed an online panel to enroll participants from the pregnancy and parenting website BabyCenter. We enrolled women into the panel from weeks 4 to 10 of pregnancy (Panel 1) or from weeks 28 to 33 of pregnancy (Panel 2) and administered repeated psychometric assessments from enrollment through 3 months postpartum. We employed a combination of adaptive digital strategies to recruit, communicate with, and build trust with participants to minimize attrition over time. We were transparent at baseline about expectations, used monetary and information-based incentives, and sent personalized reminders to reduce attrition. The approach was participant-centric and leveraged many aspects of flexibility that digital methods afford. Results: We recruited 1179 pregnant women---our target was 1200---during a 26-day period between August 25 and September 19, 2016. Our strategy to recruit participants using adaptive sampling tactics resulted in a large panel that was similar to the US population of pregnant women. Attrition was on par with existing longitudinal observational studies in pregnant populations, and 79.2{\%} (934/1179) of our panel completed another survey after enrollment. There were 736 out of 1179 (62.4{\%}) women who completed at least one assessment in both the prenatal and postnatal periods, and 709 out of 1179 (60.1{\%}) women who completed the final assessment. To validate the data, we compared participation rates and factors of perinatal mood disorders ascertained from this study with prior research, suggesting reliability of our approach. Conclusions: A suitably designed online panel created in partnership with a digital media source that reaches the target audience is a means to leverage a conveniently sized and viable sample for scientific research. Our key lessons learned are as follows: sampling tactics may need to be adjusted to enroll a representative sample, attrition can be reduced by adapting to participants' needs, and study engagement can be boosted by personalizing interactions with the flexibility afforded by digital technologies. ", issn="2561-6722", doi="10.2196/16280", url="https://pediatrics.www.mybigtv.com/2021/2/e16280", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/16280", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/33904826" }