@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/25675,作者="Lam, Joseph Hin Yan and Lee, Stephen Man Kit and Tong, Xiuli",标题=" COVID-19大流行期间家长和学生对语音语言治疗远程实践服务的认知:调查研究",期刊="JMIR儿科家长",年="2021",月="1",日="28",卷="4",数="1",页数="e25675",关键词="eHealth;telepractice;言语和语言病理学;用户满意度;COVID-19;背景:当前的COVID-19大流行导致面对面课程暂停,语音语言病理学远程实践服务的使用大幅增加。然而,家长和学生对远程实习服务的满意程度,以及他们对不同服务提供模式的偏好,目前所知甚少。这些因素可能会影响治疗效果和远程实践的未来应用。目的:我们评估学生和家长对远程实习效能的看法,以及他们对不同服务提供模式(即现场实习vs远程实习)的偏好。我们还确定了在COVID-19大流行期间影响家长和学生对不同服务提供模式偏好的因素。 Methods: A 19-question survey on telepractice satisfaction and preferences was administered to 41 Hong Kong Chinese students and 85 parents who received telepractice services from school-based speech-language pathologists during the COVID-19 class suspension period. In addition to providing demographic information and data on the implementation of telepractice services, all participants were asked to rate their perceptions of the efficacy of telepractice services and compare on-site practices to telepractice on a 5-point Likert scale (ie, 1=strongly disagree/prefer the use of on-site speech-language therapy services and 5=strongly agree/prefer the use of telepractice services). Results: Despite the fact that telepractice efficacy was highly rated by parents (95{\%} CI 3.30-3.66) and students (95{\%} CI 3.21-3.76), both groups believed that telepractice was less effective than on-site practices (parents: 95{\%} CI 2.14-2.52; students: 95{\%} CI 2.08-2.65). Moreover, parents preferred on-site practices over telepractice (95{\%} CI 2.04-2.43), whereas students did not prefer one mode of practice over the other (95{\%} CI 2.74-3.41). A significant association between telepractice efficacy and a preference for telepractice services was found only among the students ($\tau$=.43, P<.001), not the parents ($\tau$=.07; P=.44). Conclusions: Although telepractice is an acceptable alternative service delivery option for providing speech and language therapy services to school-aged individuals, speech-language therapists and parents must play a more proactive role in telepractice services to facilitate effective communication between clinicians and parents. ", issn="2561-6722", doi="10.2196/25675", url="http://pediatrics.www.mybigtv.com/2021/1/e25675/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/25675", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/33449909" }