@文章{info:doi/10.2196/39263,作者="Lerret, Stacee Marie和Flynn, Erin和White-Traut, Rosemary和Alonso, Estella和Mavis, Alisha M和Jensen, M Kyle和Peterson, Caitlin G和Schiffman, Rachel",标题="mHealth家庭自我管理干预(myFAMI)对儿童移植家庭的可接受性:定性焦点",期刊="JMIR护理",年="2022",月=" 7 ",日="15",卷="5",数="1",页数="e39263",关键词="mHealth;儿科患者;移植;家庭自我管理;背景:2021年实施了约1800例小儿器官移植,约为美国全年实体器官移植率的5{\%}。从医院到家庭康复过程中有效的家庭自我管理促进移植的成功。使用移动健康提供自我管理干预措施是一种可用于支持移植受者及其家庭自我管理的策略。目的:本研究旨在评估移动健康干预(myFAMI)的可接受性,结合使用智能手机应用程序触发护士与儿童移植受者的家庭成员沟通。方法:这是一个更大的随机对照试验中接受myFAMI干预的家庭成员的定性数据的二次分析。符合条件的参与者在出院后30天内使用了该应用程序,并参加了出院后30天的电话采访。 Content analysis was used to generate themes. Results: A total of 4 key themes were identified: (1) general acceptance, (2) positive interactions, (3) home management after hospital discharge, and (4) opportunities for improvement. Conclusions: Acceptability of the intervention was high. Family members rated the smartphone application as easy to use. myFAMI allowed the opportunity for families to feel connected to and engage with the medical team while in their home environment. Family members valued and appreciated ongoing support and education specifically in this first 30 days after their child's hospital discharge and many felt it contributed positively to the management of their child's medical needs at home. Family members provided recommendations for future refinement of the app and some suggested that a longer follow-up period would be beneficial. The development and refinement of mHealth care delivery strategies hold potential for improving outcomes for solid organ transplantation patients and their families and as a model to consider in other chronic illness populations. Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT03533049; https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03533049 ", issn="2562-7600", doi="10.2196/39263", url="https://nursing.www.mybigtv.com/2022/1/e39263", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/39263", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35838761" }