JMIR脑科学 2022 - 06 - 01 - t09:45:02内 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析 开放期刊系统 JMIR Neuro是一份创新的期刊,旨在连接临床神经病学和神经外科与网络空间和数字技术的进步 参与和可访问的数字失语症治疗的设计创新:iReadMore应用程序协同设计过程的框架分析 2022 - 10 - 18岁t09:15:02内 汤姆·朗格弗德 维多利亚弗莱明 艾米丽·厄普顿 凯瑟琳Doogan 亚历山大·列夫 丹妮拉·M·罗马诺 iReadMore是一种针对由脑损伤或神经退行性病变引起的获得性阅读障碍(称为失读症)患者的数字疗法。一项II期临床试验证明了数字疗法研究原型对中风后失语症(获得性语言障碍)和失读症患者提高阅读速度和准确性的有效性。然而,它也强调了在家庭提供自我管理疗法的复杂性和障碍。因此,为了将积极的研究结果转化为现实利益,iReadMore需要后续的设计创新。在这里,我们提出了从协同设计过程以及方法论的定性发现。我们的目标是在数字治疗原型的重新设计中提出一种包容性联合设计的方法,重点关注可访问性和用户参与的元素。我们使用框架分析来探讨协同设计过程中沟通和交互的主题。方法:本研究分为2个阶段。在第一阶段,与中风后失语症患者(n=22)及其护理人员(n=3)举行了5次面对面的共同设计会议,在第二阶段,与失语症患者(n=20)及其护理人员(n=5)举行了远程一对一的beta测试会议,以测试和完善最终设计。除了参与者的书面笔记和图纸外,数据收集还包括合作设计会议的视频记录。 Framework analysis was used to identify themes within the data relevant to the design of digital aphasia therapies in general. Results: From a qualitative framework analysis of the data generated in the co-design process, 7 key areas of consideration for digital aphasia therapies have been proposed and discussed in context. The themes generated were agency, intuitive design, motivation, personal trajectory, recognizable and relatable content, social and sharing, and widening participation. This study enabled the deployment of the iReadMore app in an accessible and engaging format. Conclusions: Co-design is a valuable strategy for innovating beyond traditional therapy designs to utilize what is achievable with technology-based therapies in user-centered design. The co-designed iReadMore app has been publicly released for use in the rehabilitation of acquired reading impairments. This paper details the co-design process for the iReadMore therapy app and provides a methodology for how inclusive co-design can be conducted with people with aphasia. The findings of the framework analysis offer insights into design considerations for digital therapies that are important to people living with aphasia. 2022 - 10 - 18岁t09:15:02内 JMIR神经技术:连接临床神经科学和(信息)技术 2022 - 08 - 11 - t10:46:05内 Pieter Kubben 2022 - 08 - 11 - t10:46:05内 护理人员和中风医生之间的国家卫生研究院中风量表的评分者之间的协议:在护理人员挪威急性中风院前项目中数字培训模型的验证研究 2022 - 08 - 11 - t09:31:11内 莫娜Guterud Helge Fagerheim Bugge 乔Røislien Karianne拉森 埃里克·埃里克森 Svein Håkon英格布雷森 Martin Lerstang Mikkelsen 乔Kramer-Johansen Kristi G bachhe 夏洛特·沙赛特 玛伦·兰霍夫霍夫 背景:急性脑卒中院前护理阶段的时间是多因素的,对急性治疗的可能性有影响。护理人员与住院中风小组之间的沟通直接影响到治疗时间。相互中风量表,如美国国立卫生研究院中风量表(NIHSS),可以提高沟通质量。挪威急救人员急性中风院前项目(ParaNASPP)是一项在救护车中使用NIHSS进行中风筛查的阶梯式随机试验,干预措施是训练中风护理人员和NIHSS,使用NIHSS制作成移动应用程序来指导检查并促进与医院中风团队的沟通。目的:本研究的目的是验证ParaNASPP临床试验中的数字训练模型。方法:从挪威奥斯陆大学医院招募24名护理人员完成ParaNASPP培训模型;录制了20个NIHSS预定义分数的独家视频;纳入奥斯陆大学医院4名卒中内科医生作为参考。计算了95%一致限(LoA)的Bland-Altman图——首先将护理人员和中风医生与预定义评分进行比较,然后相互比较。预定义LoA设置为3个点。 To align with clinical practice, NIHSS scores were also dichotomized into 2 categories: from 0-5 (minor stroke) or ≥6 (moderate and major stroke), and agreement was calculated using Cohen κ. Results: The videos (n=20) had a median (range) NIHSS score of 7 (0-31). The paramedics’ scores were slightly higher than the predefined scores with a mean difference of –0.38 and the LoA ranging from –4.04 to 3.29. The paramedics scored higher than the stroke physicians with a mean difference of –0.39, with the LoA ranging from –4.58 to 3.80. When the NIHSS scores were dichotomized, Cohen κ was 0.89 between the predefined scores and paramedics, 0.92 between the predefined scores and stroke physicians, and 0.81 between the paramedics and stroke physicians, all indicating very good agreement. Conclusions: The paramedics scored higher than both the predefined scores and stroke physicians’ scores, hence the predefined LoA were not met. However, the width of the LoA was smaller than seen when experienced neurologists are compared. When the NIHSS scores were dichotomized, the paramedics achieved very good agreement with both the predefined scores and stroke physicians’ scores. This study demonstrates the possibilities for the transfer of clinical competence in digital simulation training. 2022 - 08 - 11 - t09:31:11内 在立体定向放射外科的跨学科病例讨论和病例规划中使用扩展现实技术的潜力:概念可用性研究证明 2022 - 06 - 01 - t09:45:02内 Swathi奇丹巴拉姆 Maria Chiara Palumbo 维托Stifano 约翰·麦肯纳 阿尔贝托Redaelli Alessandro Olivi 迈克尔Apuzzo 苏珊Pannullo 背景:扩展现实(XR)是一个囊括了各种技术的术语,例如增强现实(AR)和混合现实(MR),它们允许用户与虚拟模型实时交互。这项技术在神经外科的几个应用中有一个新兴的角色。XR在增强放射外科病例的规划方面是有用的。多学科团队(MDT)评审是放射外科病例规划过程的重要组成部分;在讨论病例时,通常以2D或3D修改的方式查看患者图像。目前用于这项审查的商业可用平台需要改进。我们描述了一个新的可视化应用程序,由我们的开发团队命名为“NeuroVis”,它使用XR微软HoloLens头戴式耳机,在立体定向手术(SRS)病例规划讨论中提供患者神经解剖学的交互式3D可视化。我们给出了6个常见放射手术适应症的例子,以证明NeuroVis在MDTs中解决常见可视化障碍的效用。结果:通过6例常见脑肿瘤SRS病例证明了NeuroVis的实用性,作为概念证明说明了NeuroVis的实用性,通过改善MDTs在放射手术治疗计划中使用的标准神经成像的可视化来加强放射手术病例讨论。结论:NeuroVis应用程序提供了几个交互功能,可以增强将跨学科治疗团队的参与成员置于同一可视化平面上的能力。 This technology, by facilitating team discussions and case review, has the potential to improve the efficiency, efficacy, and safety of radiosurgery treatment planning and, as a result, to optimize patient care. 2022 - 06 - 01 - t09:45:02内