TY -的AU -肯尼迪,Mari-Rose AU -赫,理查德•AU - Birchley贾尔斯AU -艾维斯,乔纳森AU -克拉多克,伊恩PY - 2021 DA - 2021/11/26 TI -“一个信任的问题”和“信仰”的飞跃——研究参与者的观点同意、隐私和信任在智能家居的研究:定性研究乔- Uhealth Mhealth JMIR SP - e25227六世- 9 - 11 KW -智能家居KW -辅助技术KW -研究伦理KW -知情同意千瓦隐私KW -匿名化KW -信任AB -背景:无处不在的智能技术有可能以多种方式帮助人类,包括健康和社会护理。COVID-19明显加快了向远程提供许多卫生服务的进程。在开发技术的过程中涉及到各种各样的利益相关者。在利益相关者是研究参与者的情况下,这会带来实际和道德上的挑战,特别是如果研究是在人们的家中进行的。研究人员必须遵守与参与者利益相关的初步道德义务,尊重他们的自主权和隐私。目的:本研究旨在探讨SPHERE(住宅环境中医疗保健传感器平台)项目参与者在同意、隐私、匿名化和数据共享方面的伦理考虑,该项目旨在开发用于监测家庭健康行为的智能技术。参与者在这个不同寻常的实验中获得的独特见解,为未来如何正确处理类似智能家居研究的知情同意提供了有价值的视角。方法:采用半结构化的定性访谈法,对从北京市外语系抽取的7户家庭(16名个体)进行访谈。有目的的抽样是用来邀请来自不同家庭类型和年龄的参与者。 Interviews were conducted in participants’ homes or on-site at the University of Bristol. Interviews were digitally recorded, transcribed verbatim, and analyzed using an inductive thematic approach. Results: Four themes were identified—motivation for participating; transparency, understanding, and consent; privacy, anonymity, and data use; and trust in research. Motivations to participate in SPHERE stemmed from an altruistic desire to support research directed toward the public good. Participants were satisfied with the consent process despite reporting some difficulties—recalling and understanding the information received, the timing and amount of information provision, and sometimes finding the information to be abstract. Participants were satisfied that privacy was assured and judged that the goals of the research compensated for threats to privacy. Participants trusted SPHERE. The factors that were relevant to developing and maintaining this trust were the trustworthiness of the research team, the provision of necessary information, participants’ control over their participation, and positive prior experiences of research involvement. Conclusions: This study offers valuable insights into the perspectives of participants in smart home research on important ethical considerations around consent and privacy. The findings may have practical implications for future research regarding the types of information researchers should convey, the extent to which anonymity can be assured, and the long-term duty of care owed to the participants who place trust in researchers not only on the basis of this information but also because of their institutional affiliation. This study highlights important ethical implications. Although autonomy matters, trust appears to matter the most. Therefore, researchers should be alert to the need to foster and maintain trust, particularly as failing to do so might have deleterious effects on future research. SN - 2291-5222 UR - https://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2021/11/e25227 UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/25227 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/34842551 DO - 10.2196/25227 ID - info:doi/10.2196/25227 ER -