TY - JOUR AU - Mercer, Kathryn AU - Li, Melissa AU - Giangregorio, Lora AU - Burns, Catherine AU - Grindrod, Kelly PY - 2016 DA - 2016/04/27 TI -行为改变技术在可穿戴活动追踪器中的应用:关键分析JO - JMIR mHealth uHealth SP - e40 VL - 4 IS - 2 KW -老年人KW -体力活动KW -可穿戴设备KW -移动健康KW -慢性疾病管理AB -可穿戴式活动追踪器有望作为干预手段,为增加体育活动和以健康为重点的追踪提供指导和支持。大多数成年人没有达到推荐的每日活动指南,可穿戴健身追踪器被越来越多地认为具有提高成年人体育活动水平的巨大潜力。目的:本研究的目的是使用考文垂、阿伯丁和伦敦-精制(CALO-RE)分类法来检查可穿戴活动追踪器的设计是否包含行为改变技术(bct)。第二个目标是批判性地分析目前的bct是否与已知的行为改变驱动因素有关,如自我效能感,目的是将适用性扩展到老年人,而不是整个人群。方法:两名独立评分者佩戴每个设备一周,使用CALO-RE分类法对加拿大截至2014年3月的七种可穿戴运动追踪器的bct进行编码。其中包括Fitbit Flex, Misfit Shine, Withings Pulse, Jawbone UP24, SparkPeople的Spark活动跟踪器,Nike+ FuelBand SE和Polar Loop。我们使用Cohen's kappa计算互译信度。结果:bct的平均鉴定数为16.3/40。bct数量最多的是Withings Pulse,最少的是Misfit Shine。 Most techniques centered around self-monitoring and self-regulation, all of which have been associated with improved physical activity in older adults. Techniques related to planning and providing instructions were scarce. Conclusions: Overall, wearable activity trackers contain several BCTs that have been shown to increase physical activity in older adults. Although more research and development must be done to fully understand the potential of wearables as health interventions, the current wearable trackers offer significant potential with regard to BCTs relevant to uptake by all populations, including older adults. SN - 2291-5222 UR - http://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2016/2/e40/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/mhealth.4461 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27122452 DO - 10.2196/mhealth.4461 ID - info:doi/10.2196/mhealth.4461 ER -