TY - JOUR AU - Minen, Mia T AU - George, Alexis AU - Camacho, Erica AU - Yao, Leslie AU - Sahu, Ananya AU - Campbell, Maya AU - Soviero, Mia AU - Hossain, Quazi AU - Verma, Deepti AU - Torous, John PY - 2022 DA - 2022/6/21 TI -智能手机应用程序对常见神经系统疾病(头痛、失眠和疼痛)的评估:横断研究JO - JMIR Mhealth Uhealth SP - e36761 VL - 10 IS - 6kw -头痛KW -疼痛KW -失眠KW -移动健康KW -智能手机应用程序KW -手机AB -背景:有成千上万的应用程序供个人与头痛、失眠和疼痛作斗争,但很难确定哪些应用程序最适合患者的特定需求。如果临床医生能够访问一个平台,使他们能够对智能手机应用程序在患者护理中的有效性和可行性做出明智的决定,他们就会有信心开出特定的应用程序。目的:基于美国精神病学协会(APA)应用程序评估模型的原则,我们试图评估一些最常见的致残性神经系统疾病(头痛、失眠和疼痛)的应用程序质量。方法:我们使用移动健康指数和导航数据库,并通过添加177个新的应用程序条目来扩展数据库当前支持的条件。每个应用程序都根据APA的应用程序评估模型进行了评级,该模型包括105个客观问题,基于以下5个主要考虑类别:(1)可访问性,(2)隐私和安全,(3)临床基础,(4)参与风格,(5)互操作性。我们评估了这些特征,以便更广泛地了解每个应用类别的显著特征,并将其与对照组进行比较。结果:大约90%(187/201)的应用程序是免费下载的,但只有50%(63/201)的头痛和疼痛相关的应用程序是真正免费的。大多数(87/ 106,81%)睡眠应用程序并不是真正免费使用的。这些应用程序在隐私、可访问性和危机管理资源方面也有类似的限制。 For example, only 17% (35/201) of the apps were available in Spanish. The apps offered mostly self-help tools with little tailoring; symptom tracking was the most common feature in headache- (32/48, 67%) and pain-related apps (21/47, 45%), whereas mindfulness was the most common feature in sleep-related apps (73/106, 69%). Conclusions: Although there are many apps for headache, pain, and insomnia, all 3 types of apps have room for improvement around accessibility and privacy. Pain and headache apps share many common features, whereas insomnia apps offer mostly mindfulness-based resources. Given the many available apps to pick from, clinicians and patients should seek apps that offer the highest-quality features, such as complete privacy, remedial features, and the ability to download the app at no cost. These results suggest that there are many opportunities for the improvement of apps centered on headache, insomnia, and pain. SN - 2291-5222 UR - https://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2022/6/e36761 UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/36761 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35727625 DO - 10.2196/36761 ID - info:doi/10.2196/36761 ER -