TY -的盟森古普塔业务非盟,萨勃拉曼尼亚Hemang PY - 2022 DA - 2022/1/20 TI -个人健康数据的用户控件使用移动区块链应用:设计科学角度看乔- JMIR mHealth Uhealth SP - e32104六世- 10 - 1 KW -区块链KW -移动应用KW -矿业KW - HIPAA KW -个人健康数据KW -数据隐私保护KW -安全KW -准确性KW -事务安全AB -背景:将普适计算与区块链存储受隐私保护的移动健康(mHealth)数据的能力集成在一起,同时提供健康保险可携带性和责任法案(HIPAA)的合规性是一个挑战。患者使用大量设备、应用程序和服务来收集和存储移动健康数据。我们设计了一个基于物联网(IoT)的可配置区块链,在iOS和Android上使用不同的mHealth应用程序,收集相同的用户数据。我们讨论了使用这样的区块链架构的优势,并演示了两件事:用户可以轻松地保持对其普遍移动健康数据的完全控制,以及选择访问用户数据的提供商可以轻松地实现HIPAA合规性。目的:本文的目的是使用可穿戴设备和一个高效的、可配置的区块链来设计、评估和测试基于物联网的移动健康数据,该区块链从最初的原则开始设计和实现,用于存储这些数据。本文的目的还在于展示基于普适计算的个性化医疗保健系统的隐私保护和hipaa兼容特性,该系统为用户提供对自己数据的完全控制。方法:本文遵循了适用于信息系统的方法设计科学方法,其中我们评估了先前的设计,提出了由同一作者发布的区块链设计模式的增强,并使用该设计来支持物联网事务。我们在不同的设备上建立了区块链和基于物联网的移动健康应用程序的原型,并测试了构成此类系统设计目标的所有用例。具体来说,我们使用企业HIPAA检查表验证了系统的设计目标,并在普适计算设备上验证了我们的移动健康数据架构的合规性。 Results: Blockchain-based personalized health care systems provide several advantages over traditional systems. They provide and support extreme privacy protection, provide the ability to share personalized data and delete data upon request, and support the ability to analyze such data. Conclusions: We conclude that blockchains, specifically the consensus, hasher, storer, miner architecture presented in this paper, with configurable modules and software as a service model, provide many advantages for patients using pervasive devices that store mHealth data on the blockchain. Among them is the ability to store, retrieve, and modify ones generated health care data with a single private key across devices. These data are transparent, stored perennially, and provide patients with privacy and pseudoanonymity, in addition to very strong encryption for data access. Firms and device manufacturers would benefit from such an approach wherein they relinquish user data control while giving users the ability to select and offer their own mHealth data on data marketplaces. We show that such an architecture complies with the stringent requirements of HIPAA for patient data access. SN - 2291-5222 UR - https://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2022/1/e32104 UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/32104 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35049504 DO - 10.2196/32104 ID - info:doi/10.2196/32104 ER -