JMIR出版公司开发Niggle应用程序,支持年轻人走向幸福的动态之旅卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析联合设计和定性研究研究%A Stoyanov,Stoyan R %A Zelenko,Oksana %A Staneva,Aleksandra %A Kavanagh,David J %A Smith,Calvin %A Sade,Gavin %A Cheers,Jessica %A Hides,Leanne %+昆士兰科技大学设计实验室,创意产业学院,布里斯班乔治街2号,4000,澳大利亚,61 %K移动健康%K青少年%K青年%K年轻人%K幸福%K共同设计%K参与式设计%K定性研究%K专题分析%K恢复%K视觉方法%D 2021 %7 20.4.2021 %9 JMIR移动健康Uhealth英文%X背景:青春期是一个以强烈发展和脆弱性增加为特征的生命阶段。然而,年轻人很少寻求心理健康方面的帮助,这往往是由于耻辱和尴尬。令人担忧的是,即使那些寻求帮助的人也可能无法得到帮助。关注幸福的干预措施提供了抵御逆境的保护因素。迫切需要高效、创新、理论上合理、可获得和引人入胜的移动健康(mHealth)干预措施,这些干预措施可用于超越精神疾病和精神健康。目的:我们旨在探索澳大利亚年轻人如何概念化和构建从感觉不适到恢复健康的康复旅程,以便为以年轻人为主导的以信息、资源和支持为重点的移动健康干预的概念设计提供信息。方法:选取年龄分别为12-15岁、16-19岁和20-25岁的年轻人为样本,参加了3个面对面的参与式设计工作坊(每组)。利用视觉和语言数据收集方法:图片提取和旅程绘图,调查了年轻人对幸福感、不适感和恢复旅程的理解和表达。 A social constructionist perspective was used for thematic analysis to produce a conceptual model of the recovery journey. A mobile app was co-designed and all app functions were mapped through iterative development and testing by young people and a team of psychology, research, design and information technology experts. Results: Young people (n=25) described a 6-stage journey with specific barriers and coping strategies. The findings, when situated within the personal recovery framework in mental health, emphasize the cyclic and iterative model of change. Through co-design, the new app—Niggle—was conceptualized as a visual representation of an amorphous problem, which can be addressed through app functions corresponding to the most helpful strategies that young people used to progress through the stages of their recovery journey. Conclusions: Niggle is available to offer support to young people for a range of problems and provides a hot link to counseling services in Australia. This paper elaborates on the process of in-depth qualitative data collection through visual, linguistic, and co-design methods. The findings of this study give insight into young people’s understanding of well-being and recovery. This paper could aid the development of high-quality personalized mHealth interventions and support resources. %M 33877050 %R 10.2196/21085 %U %U %U